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风吹得烛光闪动。The wind flared the candle.

影子在墙上闪动不定。Shadows flickered on the wall.

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汽车转弯前车灯不断闪动。The car winked before turning.

眼球的频繁转动和眼脸的迅速闪动Rapid eye movement and blinking

茱莉亚在洞四周闪动亮光。Julia shone the light around the cave.

北朝鲜上空有两个黄色图标在闪动。Two yellow images flash over North Korea.

一种微弱的希望仍在她的心中闪动着。A faint hope still flickered in her breast.

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你也应该避免光线太耀眼或闪动的光。You want to avoid glaring, flickering, light.

另一种方式是闪动任务栏图标。The other option is to flash the taskbar icon.

小,黑卑鄙的眼睛横跨空气闪动。Beady , black soulless eyes flash across the air.

只要闪动雷射光或丢颗乒乓球就好。Just shine a laser light or throw a ping pong ball.

那闪动的灯光表示此路不通。The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked. ?

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是的,波特,“他说,眼睛里光芒闪动,”那是我的工作。Yes, Potter, ' he said, his eyes glinting. That is my job.

近海钻探平台的灯光在海平线上闪动着。Lights from offshore drilling platforms twinkled on the horizon.

光芒没断闪动,眨眼间,附近就妖满为患嗄。Constant flashing light, in the blink, is near overcrowded. Monster.

人的心念一闪动,无数的恶魔是开始舔牙微笑了。People's mind a flashing, countless demons began to lick it is smile.

太夫人没有做声,眼底却有犹豫闪动。Too the madam didn't speak, but the eye bottom is hesitant to twinkle.

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几朵参差不齐的云彩漂浮在上空,薄纱般闪动的星星,他的心砰砰跳着,碰碰跳着。A few ragged clouds overhead, a gauze of stars, his heart pumping, pumping.

血浸染了黑色的棺材盒子,盒子边上闪动的蓝光,更加明亮。The blood smoked on the dark box, and the blue light flickered more brightly.

我学到的关于生产的每一个情节就像闪动的卡片样在我脑海中穿过。Every fact I had ever learned about birth shuffled through my mind like flashcards.