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免费入场!Free Entrance!

凭票入场。Admission by ticket only.

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免费入场,随喜捐赠!Free Entrance by Donation!

这张票准许三人入场。This ticket admits three persons.

所有节目均免费入场。Free admission for all programmes.

一个交响乐团最先入场。A symphony orchestra came in first.

凭票入场,票价每张10元。Admission by tickets, 10 yuan each.

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1每一名观众都必须凭票入场。A spectator is admitted by ticket only.

这张票可以保证你免费入场。The ticket will guarantee you free entry.

五岁或未满五岁的孩子免费入场。Children five or under were admitted free.

他不让任何一个非会员入场。He debarred all those who are not members.

第一晚上的大部分观众都是凭免费招待券入场的。Most of the first-night audience was paper.

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据问题9,您会否购买那入场证?。Refer to Question 9, will you buy the Pass?

这是一场别开生面的“水上入场式”。This is a unique "water entrance ceremony."

奥运会入场式上,东道国队总是最后出场。Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens?

科博会免费入场将持续到星期天。The fair is free and continues until Sunday.

因此,我这样做,现在我有75.6演出免费入场。So i did this, and now i have 75.6 gigs free.

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免费入场。名额有限,敬请预约。Limited seats available, reservation required.

持有该票者能免费入场。This ticket entitles the bearer to free entry.

未满18岁儿童不得入场看这场电影。Children under 18 are not admitted to the film.