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他原原本本地复述了那段对话。He repeated the conversation word for word.

该模型实际上很少被原原本本地实现。This model is seldom actually implemented as is.

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与某人相较有哪些不足,我原原本本的问题“Less what than who, et cetera? "My very question."

事实原原本本摆了出来,没有加任何评论。The facts are presentedbarely, without any comments.

女人想要你爱原原本本的她。Women want you to love them for exactly who they are.

不在于长相,不在于说了什么,就是他们原原本本的样子。Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

约翰尼从来没有原原本本地讲过他怎样智取巨人的情况。Jonny never explained exactly how he had outwitted the giants.

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我把原原本本的心愿,变成原滋原味的新年祝福!I wish exactly into the original flavor of the New Year wishes!

他把昨天学校发生的事原原本本叙述了一遍。He gave a full account of what happened in the school yesterday.

她向他原原本本地转述了自己和医生的对话。She gave him a full account of her conversation with the doctor.

他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。He broke his habit of keeping silence and told me what happened exactly.

我就是把教授讲的话原原本本纪录下来然后记住。I just wanted to write down everything the professor said and memorize it.

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到单位,我把小姚的意思原原本本地对丽娜说了。To the unit, ground of my meaning from beginning to end Xiaoyao said to Rena.

我把事情原原本本地跟她说了,还告诉她我下周就搬走,而我也是这么做的。I told her exactly what had happened and that I'd be moving out that week, and I did.

新婚之夜,苔丝下定决心,要把自己的“罪过”原原本本地告诉安玑。Wedding night, Tess determination, to their own "sins" of the original text told chi.

很显然,他是想立刻原原本本地恢复他们往日的交情。Evidently he expected to restore their old friendship at once and without modification.

有时候,有的人是那么美好。不在于长相,不在于说了什么。就是他们原原本本的样子。Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

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对批发商要亲切。有正当要求,就要坦诚地原原本本地说出来。Be genial to wholesalers. Speak out frankly of whatever justifiable requirements you may have.

黄继忠将有关西方文化内容原原本本地翻译了出来。Nevertheless, Huang Jizhong translates religion and Western culture contents almost word for word out.

如今它面向世界,原原本本地、更是无须赘述地向世人展示着那些死者的头发、鞋子和其它遗物。It now unfolds, unadorned and mostly unexplained, in displays of hair, shoes and other remains of the dead.