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请简明扼要地说清你的意思。Please say it clearly and simply.

一切保持简明扼要。Keep all things short and to the point.

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在他的信中简明扼要地提到这个问题。This problem was capsulized in his letter.

这是封恐吓信,信的内容简明扼要。As threats go, It was concise and to the point.

在这本简明扼要,清晰易读的书里,D。In this concise, crisply readable book, Professor D.

一般而言,表达应当简明扼要。In general, the presentation must be to-the-point and concise.

这部词典里的释义简明扼要。The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.

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路易斯·阿姆斯特朗把爵士乐简明扼要地定义为“我一门糊口的手艺”。Louis Armstrong defined jazz pithily as "what I play for a living".

这个被提议的联合国定义,简明扼要,另外一方面也显得含糊。The proposed UN definition, short and sweet, has one other ambiguity.

电台和电视台的记者的新闻报道必须简明扼要。The news reports of journalists of radio and TV station need to be concise.

讲话、演说、写文章和写决议案,都应当简明扼要。Talks, speeches, artricles and resolutions should all be concise and tothe point.

这些规则可以复杂、详尽而灵活,也可以简明扼要且易于采纳。These rules can be complex, verbose, flexible, or simple and brief and easy to adopt.

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这本书提供了一个向德勒兹哲学作了简明扼要的介绍。This book provides a clear and concise introduction to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.

如果您在写文章方面还是新手,我们建议您选择简明扼要的写法。If you are new to writing articles, we suggest that you keep the article small and concise.

接下来需要组织好论文的内容并写好一个简明扼要的提纲。Next, it is necessary to well organize the content of the essay and produce a brief outline.

如果你必须要在邮件中包含多个要点,可以使用着重号把所有的要点简明扼要地标注出来。A poorly-written email along with a job application can damage your chances of landing the job.

如果他们有良好的交际能力,他们便能条理分明、简明扼要地做到这一点。If they do have good communication skills, they will be able to do this logically and succinctly.

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与保持程序定义简明扼要相同,表也应该保持简短。Just as it's a good thing to keep program definitions short and to the point, tables should be short.

如果你是办公室里那个能够写出简明扼要的备忘录的人,你将拥有巨大的权势。You will have enormous power if you are the person in the office who can write a clear and concise memo.

第三章是理论基础,对改写理论进行了简明扼要的阐述。Chapter Three briefly expounds on Lefevere's rewriting theory, laying the theoretical basis of the thesis.