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海鸥科长翅、蹼足的水鸟。A gull skimmed the water.

几只水鸟飞掠过了湖面。Some water birds skittered over the lake.

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池塘上有一群水鸟。There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond.

成千上万的水鸟在湖边繁衍后代。Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake.

最后,我们经过了水鸟保护区。And finally let's pass by the Waterbird Refuge.

有些水鸟一只脚站着睡。Afew water birds sleep standing on just one leg.

一对水鸟在水面和湖的上空嬉戏玩耍。A couple of waterbirds are sploring on and over the lake.

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水边的这片草滩,是许多水鸟的栖息地。The grassland along the river is the habitat of many waterfowls.

盐碱地和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.

数以千计的水鸟在湖边繁殖,靠鱼为食来生活。Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake and live off the fish.

劳克雷说,“所有这些涉禽和水鸟都长着相似的脚。”"All these wader and water birds have very similar feet, " Lockley.

在这些非人世间的时刻里,他们才能走到离那些水鸟很近的地方。At these non-human hours they could get quite close to the waterfowl.

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水鸟们歪着头把鱼咽下长长的脖颈里。Tilting their heads back, they slid their catch down their long necks.

记录到193种红树林鸟类,其中89种是水鸟。There are 193 mangroves bird species, among them 89 species are waterbirds.

湖滨水鸟公园”也就是我们的脚踏车旅游的其中一个景点。The Lake Front Waterfowl Park" was also a scenic spot of our bicycle traveling."

运气好的话,你能看到翩翩起舞的天鹅和大群大群的水鸟。If you are lucky enough, you can see dancing swans and large group of waterfowls.

白天,许多水鸟聒噪地享用这些营养丰富的绿色蛋白。Or during the day, when shorebirds raucously feed on the wealth of green protein.

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流入海洋的石油严重伤害了许多水鸟海兽。The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.

但是花栗鼠,蝴蝶,水鸟,会唱歌的小鸟和犰狳却一直在你身边。But the chipmunks, butterflies, waterfowl, song birds and armadillos are all around.

综合全文,经过政府的努力,青海湖的环境有了极大的改善,越来越多的水鸟来这里安家。C. Because environments there are getting more and more agreeable for them to live in.