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营救队待命。Stand by rescue team.

它可以半开着来营救你。It might open and save you.

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是迪娜卡营救我出狱的。It was Tineke who got me out.

营救队已经来了。The rescue party had arrived.

我们不能等待被营救。We cannot wait to be rescued.

派两个营救队到现场。Take two rescue teams to scene.

营救人员赶往雪崩地点。Rescue workers rushed to the site.

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为什么当局不营救我们?Why did authorities not rescue us?

最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。Finally, Abe and Fanny were rescued.

你想让我去营救色雷斯上尉?You want me to rescue captain thrace ?

杰克要求维克托放话出去,取消营救他的行动。Jack demands that Victor call off the mission.

风雨交加的天气妨碍了营救。Severe weather conditions hindered the rescue.

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那人指明他的任务是来营救他们。The man designated his job was to rescue them.

他们的计划包含了营救的方方面面。Their plan embraced all aspects of the rescue.

杨潜入清营营救人质。Yang Qian rescues hostage into clear battalion.

这幢古老建筑被营救队人员毁了。A wrecking crew is demolishing the old building.

自来水管上或墙上,营救人员就可以找到您。Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.

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然后我的弟妹们还得从绑匪那里营救我。And then my sibs had to rescue me from kidnappers.

孟庆凡布置任务准备营救马小茴。Meng Qingfan arranged to rescue the task of horse.

营救新闻要有开头、中间、结尾。The rescue stroy has a beginning, middle, and end.