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“敌我”力量悬殊太大。The strength gap is too big.

我队以悬殊比分击败他们的队。Our te am beat theirs by a big score.

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这可以使它获得与当地的悬殊价差。This can make a big difference to local prices.

我们以15比2的悬殊比分赢了第一局。We won the first game by a lop-sided score of 15 to 2.

而同一个信号在不同的时期强度相差悬殊。The signal amplitude is quite different in the different period.

这是一段社会阶级悬殊中成长过来的纯爱故事。This is a love story where social class does not come into play.

这与刚开始的简单的文本和链接有太悬殊的差别。It’s a far cry from the simple text and links that started it all.

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穆斯特尔仅用72分钟便以6比2、6比3拿下了这场实力悬殊的比赛。Muster needed just 72 minutes to win the one-sided match, 6-2, 6-3.

青少年杀人比例在不同国家之间及一国之内相差悬殊。Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries.

农业界内部,收入的差别悬殊。Within the farm community itself there are severe income disparities.

二者22分的悬殊几乎是以前的两倍。The 22-point gap between the two is nearly double the previous margin.

战争时期,前后方的对比总是非常悬殊的。The contrast between the war front and the back area is always startling.

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这场篮球赛,我们以48比22的悬殊比分打败了他们。In the basketball game we won against them by the heavy score of 48 to 22.

这场篮球,我们以78比45的悬殊比分打败了他们。In the basketball game we won against them by the heavy score of 78 to 45.

到1945年5月,大多数德国人对继续进行这场力量悬殊的战争已完全失去了信心。By May 1945 most Germans had lost all will to continue the uneven struggle.

但是当今美、欧的分歧并不完全是由于力量的悬殊所致。But it is not just the power gap that divides Americans and Europeans today.

然而他却接受了这种强弱悬殊的逆势,决意用他的军舰奋战到底。Nevertheless he accepted the odds, determined to fight his ship to the last.

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但是,英语影片在数量上还是大大多于外语影片,比例悬殊,能达到三比一。But English-speaking films have outnumbered foreign ones, so far, by three to one.

尽管兵力悬殊,刘备和孙权最后还是打赢了这场战役。Despite being greatly outnumbered, Liu Bei and Sun Quan eventually won the battle.

打架开始时,两队战成平手,尽管双方犯规次数相差悬殊。The two teams were tied at the time of the fight, despite the lopsided foul count.