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心胸狭小的人道人长短。Small minds discuss people.

整个机舱挺狭小的。The cabin is quite cramped.

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他脸盘狭小,其貌不扬。His face was small and ugly.

你说,这世界是这么狭小吗?Is the world, then, so narrow?

我们拐入了一条狭小的街道。We turned off into a narrow street.

不要在房间中摆放大件家具,因为这样会使空间显得狭小拥挤。Don’t overcrowd a room with large furniture.

他们活在一个狭小而自我封闭的世界里。They live in tight little self-enclosed worlds.

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你们有些人刚刚走出狭小的牢房。Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells.

书包一共有四个宽阔的袋子,旁边还带着两个狭小的兜兜。A total of four large bag bag, with two small raced.

这是那一对手套给予你狭小甬道神情!This is the one to glove give you that catwalk look!

胸怀狭小的人,有时使我气馁。Sometimes, the narrowminded people make me frustrated.

他这样摇摇摆摆地迈步,使这些宽敞的房间似乎显得太狭小了。The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait.

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葡京赌场狭小,紧凑,喧闹和烟雾缭绕。Casino Lisboa is small, tightly packed, loud and smoky.

在桶内,狭小的空间让他失去了知觉。In the bins, a small space so that he lost consciousness.

党治从1924年就开始了,不过范围狭小。The party-government began in 1924, but on a small scale.

总之,英国的居住面积是相当狭小。So, all in all, living space is pretty small here in the UK.

她轻松地把车驶进了一个狭小的车位。She maneuvered her car into a narrow parking space with ease.

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不嫌自己园亭狭小,愿意努力开花。Content to bloom in native bower, Although the place be small.

请不要把动物关在狭小空间内或绑起来。And please don't keep animals caged in small spaces or tied up.

鲍伯正在史克鲁奇隔壁一间狭小阴暗的房间中抄写一些信件。Bob was copying letters in a small dark room next to Scrooge 's.