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她拔着红呢绒披风。She was cloaked in red wool.

约翰学了染匠,我相信是染呢绒的。John was bred a dyer, I believe of woolens.

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考虑到今年呢绒很流行,你有过兴趣吗?Given how big tweed is this year, were you ever tempted?

大部分苏格兰长裙由带格子图案的呢绒制成。It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern.

苏格兰以它的羊绒衫、毛织品和格子呢绒闻名世界。Scotland is famous for its cashmeres, woollens and tartans.

他把呢绒交给裁缝做一件大衣。He bailed the woolen cloth to the tailor to be made into an overcoat.

并迅速崛起成为东北最大的精纺呢绒生产基地。And the rapid rise of the Northeast's largest worsted fabric production base.

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整理后的精纺呢绒对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌有良好的抑菌性和耐洗涤性能。Worsted woolen cloth treated by chitosan can obtain good antibacterial property and washing endurance.

马海毛、克什米尔产细羊毛和羊驼呢绒等密织绒按照最时髦、最流行的比例纺到了一起。The rich knit yarns such as mohair, cashmere and alpaca are proposed with modern and updated proportions.

以客户为导向,以客户标准为基准,南山呢绒追寻高品质的脚步永不停止。Guided by customers' need and based on customers' standard, the company keeps on pursuing of high-quality.

当时十几岁的男孩子中正时兴这种深色的呢绒轻便大衣,一件新的要值好几百美元呢。Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with teen-age boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new.

城市手工业和对外贸易都相当繁盛,呢绒行销欧洲。Industry and trade with foreign countries became prosperous, woolen cloth was on sale in European countries.

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南山呢绒呢绒呈现出一脉传承的品质与尊贵!Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development.

她给躺在柔软的软呢绒襁褓或依偎在篮子里的只有一星期大的小宝宝拍照。Swaddled in soft woollens or nestled in baskets, the tiny infants are photographed when they are just weeks old.

光是做工精致的皮衣和奢华的呢绒大衣就足以让浏览者怀念起墨索里尼的统治时期。The refined furs and extravagant draperies are enough to make the glancing reader nostalgic for the reign of Mussolini.

我们专门出口中国棉布、棉纱及呢绒,希望与贵公司开展这方面的贸易。Being specialized in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, Cotton Yarn and Wollen Piece Goods, we hereby express our desire.

但是与此同时,波西米亚的德意志人却掌握着较好的土地、矿业、部分呢绒制造业等主要的生产资料。However, German staying in Bohemia have a better grasp of the land, mining, some of woolen manufacturing and other major means of production.

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你知道外贸英语怎么能更好的介绍自己吗我们愿向贵方介绍,我们是一个专门经营棉纱、纱布及呢绒的国营公司。We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated Corporation dealing exclusively in Cotton Yarn, Cotton Piece Goods and Woollen Piece Goods.

我们的宗旨是,以一流的技术,一流的管理,一流的装备,精心打造出中国顶级的粗纺呢绒生产制造中心。Under the best technique, best management with the best equipment, we are bending ourself to become the top woolen fabric manufactory center of China.

咱们专门出口中国棉布、棉纱及呢绒,期望与贵自己搞开展这方面的商贸。Being specialized in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, Cotton Yarn or Wollen Piece Goods, we ITeby express we desire to trade dawn you in the line.