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伍德说,"我们是格林芬顿几年来最棒的一支队。This is the best team Gryffindor's had in years.

到2005年的时候,有四支队在10小时的比赛时间内完成了比赛。By 2005 four teams finished in under the 10 hour time limit.

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巴阿雷和让·勃鲁维尔也找到他们,便更壮大了那支队伍。Bahorel and Jean Prouvaire had found them and swelled the group.

美国职业棒球大联盟于1903年成立,至今共有30个支队。Major League Baseball began in 1903 and today has 30 teams in all.

你现在可以在球员报告中看到整支队伍的整体优势和弱点。You can now see strengths and weaknesses for your team as a whole.

我现在看的临床支队的一位经验丰富的旁观者。I am now watching with the clinical detachment of a seasoned voyeur.

这可能会导致他们有感情,支队和减弱的情绪。This may cause them to have feelings of detachment and blunted emotions.

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这是欧联杯第一次决赛中两支队伍都来自葡萄牙,让我们期望这也是最后一次。A first all-Portuguese final and on this show and let's hope it's the last.

赞助这两支队伍以促进美国足球发展实在是幸事一桩。Assisting these two teams in ontinuing to develop America is a real honour.

如果说十六强里有一支队伍最清楚阿根廷队的打法和风格的话,非墨西哥队莫属。If there is one team that knows Argentina's style of play it has to be Mexico.

主人公冯鸿涛是刑侦支队的支队长。The detachment that hero Feng Hong Tao is punishment detect detachment is long.

尽管他现在还没有拥有那支队伍,但是所面临的挑战正在加大。And since he doesn't yet have that team in place, the challenge is even greater.

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在7强冠军联赛中,两支队伍都经历6场比赛的洗礼才得以晋级。In the best-of-7 League Championship Series, both teams needed 6 games to advance.

我们也知道这将是非常艰苦的比赛,而两支队伍都对晋级态度乐观。We know it's going to be a hard-fought game, and both teams have options of going through.

圣城旅"是在两伊战争期间组建的伊朗革命卫队特别支队。It was created during the Iran-Iraq War as a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

盘锦边防支队官兵在辽河三角洲的红海滩上制成巨幅国旗。A giant national flag is seen on the red beach in Panjin, Northeast China's Liaoning Province.

我们的职责,是令整支队伍“作风优良,纪律严明,保障有力”。We seek for a team with excellent work-style, strict &impartial discipline and potent assurance.

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安冈支队的攻击计划意图通过采取声东击西的方法来设下圈套。Yasouka Detachment initiated the attack. Its plan was to create a diversion and to set up a trap.

她的父亲查尔斯·克拉曼,也曾在缅甸麦支队服役,2001年82岁时去世。Her father, Charles Clurman, also had served in Burma with the Marauders. He died in 2001 at age 82.

将军之雁北支队首战伏击广武日军,毖敌500余人。General Yanbei detachment of the Japanese army first ambush Guang-wu, avoid enemy more than 500 people.