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当面对证,真相自明。Face and face truth comes out.

当面对证,真相自明。Face to face the truth comes out.

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张仲景的方子,只要是对证用药。Zhang's prescription, as long as it is at the heart medication.

作者对证本质研究的现状作了分析。The present research about Zheng has been analyzed by the authors.

对证交委抨击最猛烈的要数前任主席哈维?特了。Among the SEC's most vocal critics is Harvey Pitt, a former chairman.

当**拿出证据与她当面对证时,她承认了自己是有罪的。When the police confronted her with the evidence, she admitted that she was guilty.

通过对证候本质研究的历史回顾,分析其中存在的问题,探讨证候本质研究的思路和方法。By this we can find some questions in research of syndromes, and discuss the future study direction.

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中医的辨证论治,包括审辨症状、提炼证候以及对证治疗三部分内容。TCM Syndrome Differentiation includes distinguish symptom, process syndrome, and the treatment to the syndrome.

如佛陀曾经所说,止与观两者对证得良好、有力的诸种定境都是必要的。As the Buddha once said, both tranquility and insight are required for getting good strong states of absorption.

许多律师努力对证人们摆“野牛阵”以便他们能得到可能有助于赢得官司的某些回答。Many lawyers work hard to buffalo witnesses so that they can get certain answers that might help win their case.

他说,当人们知道交流内容日后可能被拿来与他们对证时,就不太敢说谎了。People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says.

对证候定义研究中存在的问题进行剖析,提出三点商榷意见。To analyze the problems occurring in the study of concept of Chinese clinical syndrome, put forward three discussion opinions.

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对证型进行频数分析,探讨2型糖尿病及其并发症常见的血瘀证复合证型。We used frequency to analyze syndrome types and probed into Frequently BSS' s simultaneous type of type2-DM and its syndromes.

根据证型分组,进行统计学分析,筛选对证型诊断有意义的指标。Clinical cases were grouped according to syndrome of tradtional mongolian medicine and decided the significative indices by statistical analysis.

认为对证的探讨,引入规范化机制,运用模糊数学,展开跨学科研究,证的本质可望得到客观的揭示。For the exploration of Zheng , It was suggested that standardization should be adopted, fuzzy mathematic be used and multi-disciplinary be carried.

众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。It raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality,” said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.

众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。It raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality, ” said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.

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从系统科学角度对此规律加以总结概括,可以提高对证候动态时空特征的定性认识。From the system scientific point of view, this law can be summarized and concluded to raise the qualitative awareness of the characteristics of dynamic time.

在推进社会主义新农村建设时期找准影响农民收入的因素以便对证下药,更是一个重大而现实的问题。It is important to find the factors influencing the peasants' income so as to get the proper solution during the period of constructing a new socialist countryside.

尽管这段婚外情发生距今已有几十年,但安东尼奥仍然非常难过,立刻找来结婚77年的妻子罗莎•C对证,要求离婚。Notwithstanding the time that had elapsed since the betrayal, he was so upset that he immediately confronted his wife of 77 years, named as Rosa C, and demanded a divorce.