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我愿做赠予者,不愿做乞讨者。I want to be a giver not a beggar.

他们叫做“政府赠予土地的学校”。These are known as land-grant schools.

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他们凭什么把龙蛋赠予你?Why did they give the dragon's eggs to you?

金先生喜欢慷慨赠予的贵族气派。Mr. King liked the lordliness of giving largess.

他们将根据你的赠予调整自己的遗产分配。They will adjust their bequests in the light of yours.

我们的存在就是赠予他人最珍贵的礼物。The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.

对技术专栏作家来说,这是个持续不断赠予的礼物。For technology columnists, it's a gift that keeps on giving.

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想想这是我们赠予各位的美好礼物吧,希望带给你们愉悦的一天。Consider this a daily gift of delight, from us to all of you.

你会再次爱上那个曾是你自己的陌生人,赠予他酒,赠予他面包。You will love again the stranger who wasyour self. Give wine.

他对于阿格涅斯卡所赠予的青春和美丽这一礼物并没有觉得怎么得意。He wasn’t flattered by the gift of Agnieszka’s youth and beauty.

真理之灵是在2000年前圣灵降临节赠予的你们的保惠师。The spirit of truth is your comforter bestowed 2000 years ago at Pentecost.

超出这个数字,她所得的收入的三分之二要从她所得的福利赠予金中扣除。Beyond this, two-thirds of what she earns is deducted from the welfare grant.

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他们计划赠予村民奶牛,然后观察产出The idea was to give cows away to village farmers and to observe the outcome.

后者作于1801年,则直接赠予他的表妹朱丽叶塔。The latter one was composed in 1801, inscribed directly to his cousin Julita.

最后,把买房时赠予的大露台建成一个聚会场所。Finally, build the big gazebo that when buying a house, gives room of a party.

史密斯你不明白,行习给别人赠予是一种特别的恩典。Smith you don't realize it's a privilege to practice giving presents to others.

举行赠礼仪式的头一天晚上,麦隆内夫人把赠予证书给她看了。On the evening before the ceremony, mrs. meloney had shown her the deed of gift.

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我愿意将我的毕业学袍按金悉数捐赠予「香港公开大学校友奖学基金」。I wish to donate my gown deposit to the OUHK Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Fund.

这些代金券可以在本村内转让、赠予,还可以继承。These chits can be assigned and given to other people. They are also inheritable.

每一年,他的部分钱都将赠予世界上最好的科学家和作家。Wach year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.