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所有的人都穿着得体的衣服。All of them wore in nice garments.

是我心衣饰的得体仪容。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

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这份通知措辞不太得体。The advice wasn't very tactfully worded.

这位优雅的市长穿着裁剪得体的灰色西服。An elegant man in a well-cut gray suit, Mr.

古丽嗓音优美,举止得体。Guri's voice and demeanor are cool and even.

她总是穿着朴素,却又大方得体。She always dresses simply, but in good taste.

姑娘被一句不得体的话冒犯了。The girl was disobliged by a tackless remark.

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我用得体的语言向他提出了批评。I couched criticism on him in tactful language.

你的动作流畅得体。And your movement is really fluid and available.

它总是更好的是有点不得体。It is always better to be slightly underdressed.

有一点点不得体才是最好的。It is always better to be slightly underdressed.

面试时言谈举止应当大方得体。You should keep decent manners in the interview.

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她那些不得体的话简直是火上加油。Her tactless remarks just added fuel to the fire.

那么得体又带着一点时髦——招牌米歇尔。It was appropriate but a bit funky—pure Michelle.

她穿着牛仔裤和运动衫,非常得体。She's respectably dressed in jeans and sweatshirt.

这种行为伤害了我们正常的得体感。Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency.

那位女士举止言谈优雅得体。The lady is elegant in her manners and her speech.

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得体示爱在大庭广众之下,别搂抱亲吻个不停。Good Loving Do not smooch in the company of others.

他已经刮好了胡子,穿戴整齐,看上去很得体。He has already shaved, dressed up and looks smartly.

他们只是想在毕业后找一个得体的工作。He just wants to find a decent job after graduation.