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原装拾音器不够好,不过也可以接受。Stock pups can be better but still acceptable.

要是施用琴颈拾音器,低音变的很低沉。With neck pick-up, bass tones begins to dominate general sound.

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每根琴弦都有各自独立的拾音器和放大器。It has separate microphone pickups and amplifiers for each string.

当拆下拾音器上的铁盖后。这些塑胶都会暴露出来。These oblong bobbins are exposed when the pickup's metal cover is removed.

演奏者可以选择不同的花饰,也可以选择是否装拾音器。And the guitars can be ordered with or without a custom on board pickup system.

扩音器、效果器及木吉他前置音箱和磁性拾音器的制造商。We are effectors& effector s as well as acoustic guitar preamp& magnetic pickups.

几年后我开始尝试使用拾音器,有时用上两个拾音器在吉他上。After some years I began experimenting with pickups , sometimes two pickups in the guitar.

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下面的故事是关于拾音器的,这个故事会成分的表明我们对吉他细节上的关注和用心。The story of the pickups on this guitar is illustrative of the attention we pay to detail.

每个具有两个“专利申请”拾音器和20红木指板的镶嵌烦恼。Each features two "Patent Applied For" humbuckers and 20 fret rosewood fingerboards with inlays.

扩音器、效果器及木吉他前置音箱和磁性拾音器的制造商。We are manufacturing Amplifiers & Effectors as well as Acoustic Guitar Preamp &, Magnetic Pickups.

论文针对强噪音环境提出一种PZT振动拾音器作为语音识别的前端输入。A noise-free PZT sensor is made as speech signal input equipment to an auto speech recognition system.

Stratocaster在弦桥和琴颈之间还带有第三个拾音器,音域宽广。Strats were configured with a third pickup in between the neck and the bridge, supplying a wider range of tones.

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第一次电子吉他的创新始于磁性拾音器的两项专利。The first real innovations toward electric axes, however, came with the awarding of two patents for magnetic pickups.

我们可以根据客户不同的需求,开发不同音色的拾音器。Such electro-acoustic We can according to the needs of different clients, the development of different timbres pick-up.

及其对枫第一个坚实的桃花心木琴身和双线圈humbucking拾音器产生的声音,非常适合摇滚音乐。Its maple cap on a solid mahogany body and twin-coil humbucking pickups produce a sound that is highly suitable for rock music.

牌吉他拾音器、校音器、音箱、效果器、提琴、古筝拾音器等乐器配件,及周边电声产品的研发、生产。Guitar Equalizers, Tuners, Amplifiers, Effectors, Violin Equalizers and Chinese Zither Equalizers and other related electronic products.

可靠地运行潮湿,肮脏,高温环境下作出的许多工业和商业应用的流行选择磁性拾音器。Reliable operation in wet, dirty, high temperature environments makes magnetic pickups a popular selection for many industrial and commercial applications.

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余姚市科达乐器有限公司座落于浙江省余姚市河姆渡镇,是一家专业生产电吉它拾音器的生产厂家。YuyaoCity Keda musical Instrument Co. , Ltd. is located in Hemudu Town, Yuyao, Zhejiang, is a professional manufacturer of electric guitar pickups manufacturer.

我在自己的吉他上做过很多实验,比如装一个新的拾音器、换套品丝或者是换套颤音系统。把指板的木头挫成波浪式对于我来说太容易了。I did a lot of experimenting with my guitars, like installing new pickups or frets and putting in a tremolo system, so I was never afraid to cut up the wood on my guitar.

在耳朵附近放置了拾音器,将收集的外界噪音通过电子电路产生一个与噪音相位相反的声波。这两种声波相遇产生相消干涉。The idea behind the Bose QuietComfort headset is that it reads outside sounds and produces an equal and opposite sound wave to counteract it, a phenomenon known as "anti-noise."