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他们还喜欢想象力强、开掘思维的工作,像科学家和工程师。They make great scientists and engineers.

开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。Canals have been built to take water to the desert.

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第四章“自画像”价值层面的开掘。Digging that fourth chapter self-portrait value face tier.

运河的开掘主要依靠人力和畜力。Using horses and manpower, the canal was dug across the state.

采取他的铁锹,恶劣的扫除机开掘了在树的根的之中一个深坑。Taking his shovel, the poor sweeper dug a deep hole among the roots of the trees.

此乃本文拟将开掘和阐释的论旨所在。These are the questions that the present paper intends to focus on and to answer.

通过心灵唤醒,可以促进学生自由精神的全面开掘。And through soul-awakening, students' free spirit can be explored comprehensively.

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那些在开掘描述发现抓住一把古老大镰刀的一个人的雕枯的尸体。Those on the dig describe Discovering the withered body of a man clutching an ancient scythe.

他们决心继续开掘美国市场并希望在另一个已经有相关产品的项目上赢得合同。It is determined to continue to compete and win in other contests where it has relevant product.

他在诗歌创作中表现出独特的主题开掘和语言变异。He demonstrates a unique theme exploration and language adaptaion in the creation of English poems.

你想知道统计学和呆板进修在开掘文本方面能够让你省时省力的因为吗?Do you want to find out how statistics and machine learning can save you time and effort mining text?

王安忆的小说对日常生活叙事进行了新的开掘及价值发现。Wang Anyi's fictions have taken further steps to narrate daily life and found the new value of daily life.

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此外,艺术家们在开掘沂蒙山的内涵方面也作了一些准备。Additionally, artists have made some preparation for further exhumation of the connotation of Yimeng Mountains.

在1820年纽约州支持该公司的计划,而18世纪的运河开掘计划就此落下帷幕。In 1820 the state of New York purchased the company's works, closing the books on the 18th-century canal scheme.

后顾性文艺作品重视对人性的开掘和艺术形式的创新。The " looking back" literature and art emphasized the digging of humanity and the innovation of the style of art.

卡特说,如要使研究无懈可击,“我们需要找到某个被淹没的遗址,然后进行水下开掘。Carter said in order to make for a solid case, "we would need to find a submerged site, and excavate it underwater.

2008年夏天,在贫瘠的索诺兰沙漠腹地,德鲁·李维斯用一台锄耕机开掘了14英尺深的土地。Deep in the barren Sonoran Desert in the summer of 2008, Drew Reeves drove a back-hoe fourteen feet into the earth.

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企业家们开掘了第一条隧道,运行了第一条地铁线路,并且显示这是有利可图的。The entrepreneurs laid the first tunnels, operated the first lines, and showed that it was a profitable enterprise.

他说吸血鬼不存在所以女皇通过了法律来禁止开掘坟墓与砍断死尸的首级等等亵渎亡灵的行为。He said vampires didn't exist and the Empress passed laws prohibiting the opening of graves and desecration of bodies.

每当开掘出一个地下室,被挖空的土都会在外面形成一个土堆。As each further cellar was excavated, a mound of dirt arose whose loftiness, as remembered, refuses to reduce to scale.