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他从不逃避责任。He never dodges.

逃避他的追踪者。Eluded his pursuers.

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他似乎逃避了这个问题。He seems to avoid it.

朋友说我在逃避现实。Friends say I am escapism.

是城府还是逃避?Is the Ayutthaya or escape?

她懒惰,逃避工作。She is lazy and shuns work.

他总是逃避那些厌恶性工作。One who shirks work or duty.

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这是逃避现实的疗法。This is an escapist therapy.

逃避非善法,面对是修行。Evasion is not a good method.

他以自杀逃避法律的制裁。He cheated the law by suicide.

我无法逃避这个指责。I can't dodge this accusation.

她不再逃避什么,也不再怕什么。She no longer avoids anything.

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你们俩都必须停止逃避。You both have to stop dodging.

逃避是不变的游戏。Eluding is the invariable game.

逃避到你的无压力区域。Escape to your stress-free zone.

这个世界决没有逃避主义者的容身之地。There is no world for escapists.

你别想逃避责任,这本来就是你的职责。You can't shirk, it's your duty.

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无法逃避的是,巴拉克•奥巴马也一样!Inescapably, Barack Obama is too.

他总是逃避责任。He always shirks his responsibility.

而他们却是擅长于逃避此类任务。They are adept at evading such tasks.