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她们比赛感知不甚了了,她们并不冰冷。They feel pain – they are not cold.

他对股市的游戏规则不甚了了。He doesn't know much about the rules of game.

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可直至最近,我们仍对宇宙初生当时的周围条件不甚了了。But until recently, we have had little idea about the initial conditions for the universe.

对于这些战争是否会比早前的战争带来更多的心理创伤,目前我们还不甚了了。At present, it's not clear whether these wars have brought on more psychological trauma than earlier conflicts.

中国股市已有15年的发展历史,但是否达到弱式有效,还不甚了了。The Chinese stock market developed 15 years, but whether it achieved weak-form efficiency or not is not familiar.

要知道,一旦它发现了任何错误,它就会怪到我头上,尽管我连它的磁盘在何方都不甚了了。You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even know where its disks ARE.

要知道,一旦它发现了任何错误,它就会怪到我头上,尽管我连它的磁盘在何方都不甚了了。You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even knowswheresits disks ARE.

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因为我对韩国历史不甚了了,原本向来对韩国历史剧集是不太感兴趣。Originally I was not interested at this style of korean drama because of my poor knowledge about korean history indeed.

IBM的一位执行官抱怨,大多数跟踪IBM的分析师“有太多硬件产业的烙印,而对软件业不甚了了”。An IBM executive complains that most of the analysts who follow the company are "legacy hardware guys who don't get software".

其中有些词语下但一般读者不甚了了,就是专家学者也时有曲解,因而错校误注的地方不少。In Lunheng, some words are hard to get their exact meanings not only for a general reader, but also for a specialist who sometimes makes mistaken corrections.

然而,许多一线教师对小班化教学中如何应用形成性评价不甚了了,现有的相关研究成果也未能对此形成具体而实用的支撑。However, many front-line teachers do not know much about how to put formative evaluation into use. The existing relevant research fail to provide specific and practical support.

虽然详情起初不甚了了,但人们很快发现分裂的根源在于罗伯逊和勒基特对马修?诺尔斯执掌乐队逐渐不满。Though details were at first sketchy, it soon emerged that the root of the split lay in Luckett's and Roberson's growing discomfort in regard to Mathew Knowles' management of the group.

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由此,一个富有的慈善家可能会在听说远方国度发生了不甚了了的疫病后投资于那种疫病的研究,尽管在他所处的社会上事态还不太紧迫。Thereby, a wealthy philanthropist may hear of an obscure disease in a distant country and invest in its research, although the matter is not entirely pressing within the community that he resides.