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我一定要赢。I must win.

他一定是疯了。He must be mad.

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我一定不能哭出来。I must not cry.

我一定要招人喜爱。I must be liked.

我一定要试一试。I must try them.

一定是在做梦!Must be a dream!

你一定是约翰。You must be John.

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过来看我,一定要来!Come to see me,do!

我一定要把它捞出来。I must get it out.

你一定是疯了!You must be crazy!

当然一定是匿名的。Always anonymously.

他说,“一定得弄完。I must finish this.

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我一定要我的膘!I must have my fat!

你一定要相信…You mus. t believe.

你一定是汤姆。And you must be Tom.

我觉得这一定与钱有关。I snuffed the money.

那一定是李美。That must be Li Mei.

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是的,她一定是处子。Yes she is a virgin.

你一定是杨博士吧。You must be Dr Yang.

你一定是威谦吧。You must be William.