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你知道吗?我对你无从下手。You know what? I can't learn anything from you.

我根本无从下手,我能记住多少I couldn't begin to do that. How much can I hear?

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因此对于这个博弈你也无从下手了You wouldn't be able to get started on this game.

你是否感到不知所措或是工作太多无从下手?Do you ever feel overwhelmed or have too much to do?

乍看,制作一份财产目录因涉及的东西太多而无从下手。Doing an inventory can seem too huge to manage at first glance.

大题要么无从下手,要么解不全。Big problem or does not know how to start, or solution is not complete.

你四下打量你的房间或是整个屋子,看来无从下手。As you look around your room or entire house for that matter it seems impossible.

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因此当我们寻找并剔除劣势策略时,我们是无从下手的So when we looked at domination and deleted dominated strategies, we got nowhere here.

一个大任务有时看起来大的无从下手,因为它看起来是如此巨大。A big task can look too big to tackle at times, as it is so intimidating and overwhelming.

想去找个工作也无从下手,好多地方竟然都不招暑假工,郁闷!Want to know how to find work, a lot of places do not even recruit summer workers, depressed!

最后,你可能觉得自己并非因为拥有太多信息而无从下手,而会觉得恰到好处。Eventually you may even start to feel that instead of having too much information, you have enough.

洋葱上月报道,“媒体对奥巴马的双重凶杀案无从下手”。“Media Having Trouble Finding Right Angle on Obama’s Double Homicide”, the Onion reported last month.

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事情不同于难题,事情是你无论如何都要做的,你知道如何去做,而你对难题是无从下手的。Activity is something you need to do anyway and you know how to do it. Problem is you don’t want to do it.

相对的,很多北美公司也希望借助中国投资者进行融资却无从下手。On the other hand, many North American companies are hoping to finance on Chinese investors but don’t know where to start.

本不想花钱租喷气壶,但又无从下手,因为我们所用的招数并不管用。We don’t want to spend the money to rent a steamer, but we don’t know what else to do because what we’re using isn’t working.

所以,如果你想创业但又无从下手的话,我劝你先把精力放在“有机”点子上。So if you want to start a startup and don't know yet what you're going to do, I'd encourage you to focus initially on organic ideas.

我常常在想,当狂妄的人类最终消灭掉这些动物后再来练习这些动作恐怕就要像面对一堆乱麻一样无从下手。I have often wondered what would become of a practice inextricably woven to such creatures when human hubris finally extinguishes them.

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西莉亚认为,经济学家太过关注提高人们负担能力的措施,而当人们不再购物,就无从下手,困惑不已。Cecala said economists spend too muchtime looking at measures of affordability and remain baffled when people failto go bargain-shopping.

当今复杂的金融设计使计算保证金和资本要求极为困难,甚至无从下手。Today’s sophisticated financial engineering can render the calculation of margin and capital requirements extremely difficult, if not impossible.

对于多数人而言,首先的困难在于他们不知道如何找到自己喜欢的工作。他们完全无从下手,这看上去是一个多么让人无奈的原因啊。The difficult thing for many people is finding what that work is in the first place. They don't know where to start, and it seems a hopeless cause.