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土壤污染的起因是什么?What are the causes of land pollution?

这是一本介绍水体,大气和土壤污染的书籍。This book is about water , air and soil pollution.

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土壤污染既有人为成因也有自然成因。The reasons for soil pollution are both artificial and natural.

印中两国均饱受严重的空气、水源和土壤污染之苦。Both countries suffer from terrible air, water and land pollution.

重金属污染是土壤污染的主要类型之一。Heavy metals contamination is the main type of soil contamination.

土壤污染减少了可以种植粮食的土地面积。Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing food.

结合土壤污染发展特点,对今后土壤污染研究的重点方向作了一般性探讨。Then the trend and emphasis of study on soil pollution were inquired into.

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最严重的问题之一是严重的空气、水和土壤污染。One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.

重金属复合污染是主要土壤污染类型之一。Combination contamination of heavy metals is one of important soil contamination types.

它不仅给人们的健康带来极大的危害,还会造成水和土壤污染。It not only does great harm to people's health but also causes water and soil pollution.

影响武陵源区环境质量的指标主要是水污染、土壤污染、噪声污染。The assign mark of environment quality in Wulingyuan was 91 and reached a excellent grade.

这个地区的土壤污染非常严重,我们应尽早治理。The soil pollution in this area is very serious, we should deal with it as soon as possible.

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土壤污染退化已成为我国乃至全球性土壤退化的主要表现形式之一。Soil pollution degradation is one of soil degradation patterns in China and also in the world.

聚类分析结果为菜豆、番茄和青花菜的土壤污染较严重。The cluster analysis showed the pollution of soil of Pea, Tomato and Cauliflower were serious.

工业废物和空气污染导致了土壤污染――特别是在老的城市区。Industrial waste and air pollution have led to soil contamination—especially in old urban areas.

可见根际环境在土壤污染的植物修复中具有明显的重要作用。It's obvious that the rhizosphere leads an important role in the phytoremediation of soil pollution.

土壤不能再生,防止土壤污染和沙化,减少水土流失。Soil cannot regenerate, so please prevent soil pollution and desertification, and reduce soil erosion.

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结合深圳市盐田区垃圾场处置工程,对垃圾场周围土壤污染状况进行了分析研究。An investigation has been made for the soil pollution nearby the Yantian waste landfill site of Shenzhen city.

由于担心核电站辐射,日本政府已经禁止了土壤污染区域的水稻种植。Fears of radiation from the nuclear plant prompted the government to ban rice cultivation in contaminated soil.

这些制度为我国土壤污染防治工作的开展具有一定的借鉴作用。These systems for soil pollution prevention and control work in China to carry out the role of a certain reference.