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佛朗哥将军。Franco. Right.

嘿,五星将军。Hey, five stars.

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不过,你是一位将军。But, you’re a general.

只有三名是将军。only three are generals.

那个骑大象的汉尼拔将军The one with the elephants.

铀弹壳就绪,将军。Uranium shell ready, general.

那将军是个嗜杀成性的人。The general is a real butcher.

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恺撒是罗马的盖世将军。Caesar was the general of Rome.

他邀了几个将军同餐。He invited many generals to it.

将军,三步之内将死。Check, checkmate in three moves.

我们不可能当常胜将军。Some battles you just can't win.

那位将军是位身材魁梧的老人。The general is a portly old man.

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将军整列他的队伍。The general lined up his troops.

将军出身行伍。The general rose from the ranks.

这门课程是专门为将军开设的!This class is for generals only!

华盛顿是位著名的将军。Washington was a famous general.

摩罗乃是一个厉害的将军。Moroni was a very fierce general.

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那将军被彻底击败。The general was totally defeated.

次年,担任爱德华·布雷多克将军的助手。The next year, as an aide to Gen.

舍曼将军也很高。General Sherman is also very tall.