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这是一种冒险的拨款。This is an exploration grant.

预算案中包含8570项专项拨款。The budget contains 8,570 of them.

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步行弓骑兵一应装备由国王拨款购置。Well armed and armoured by the King.

就是‘指定拨款’和‘猪肉桶’支出。is earmarking and pork-barrel spending.

这份草算案包括上千个专项资金拨款。That bill contains thousands of earmarks.

谁在和浪费的拨款项目花销作斗争?Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?

很多州长已经拒绝了赖子华盛顿的拨款。Some governors have refused money from Washington.

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卡门和克洛从整笔拨款模式与画廊布拉格会议2。Carmen and "Chloe" of "LSG" and Exhibition Prague 2.

立法机关拨款作为大学经费。The legislature appropriated funds for the university.

而--这种病最坏的症状,正如我的朋友,汤姆.科本所说,财政特别拨款是一种入门毒品,因为那是一扇门,一扇通向不受控制的花销和腐败的大门。It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption.

拨款法案通过以后,会出现什么情况?What happens after the appropriations bills come through?

教统局拨款资助收费中学有甚麽要求?Does Education Bureau impose any criteria on these schools?

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对这项议案中的专项拨款的所需费用做出的估算不同。Estimates of the cost of "earmarks" in the legislation vary.

它被评为由国家拨款的优秀大学。It was rated as 'excellent' by the national funding council.

拨款应该在哪个扩展维度上预定?On which extended dimension should the allocation be booked?

这项计划的费用将由政府拨款支付。The cost of the project will be defrayed by a government grant.

所花钱数就是拨款数额。The amount of money you have to spend is the amount appropriated.

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渴望政府提供拨款在仙台是个不断被谈论的话题。The desire for government handouts is a constant theme in Sendai.

这些俗称专项拨款的项目会耗费数十亿美元。The projects, commonly known as earmarks, cost billions of dollars.

而美国参议员最近以94票对1票通过该提案为治疗方案拨款。And the U. S. Senate recently voted 94-1 to fund treatment programs.