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行星溶解,捏合机,三辊轧机。Planetary-Dissolver, Kneader, Triple roll mill.

本书的问题是,他把三本不同的书捏合为一本,但却不那么成功。The problem is that this is three books trying to be one and not always succeeding.

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经比较发现采用湿法工艺对白炭黑进行表面处理时,捏合机是较适合的设备。The kneading machine is the most suitable equipment for fumed silica surface treatment.

如何设计这对螺杆的端面齿形,是提高双螺杆捏合机性能的关键。How to design this couple of screws is the key way to enhance the performance of the machine.

将上表中的成分在捏合机中捏合约2小时,使其彻底捏合。The ingredients of the above table were thoroughly kneaded in a kneading machine for about 2 hours.

南通密炼捏合机械厂是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的科技型企业。Machinery Factory is a set design, production, sale and service of science and technology enterprises.

新型搅拌捏合机的数学模型建立、动态模拟及其强度分析均是本文研究的主要内容。Therefore, the research and investigation of this new type stirring kneader have an important meaning.

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现在我们需要研究如何把两个对象模块捏合在一起,组成一个可重定位的可执行文件。Now we need to look at how the two object modules are put together to make one relocatable executable file.

仅仅用你所学的知识将它们当作分离的粒子捏合成一个大的颗粒也是不够的。It is not enough to gather them up as separate particles into a powder which you carry out with your diploma.

双螺杆捏合机最核心的部件是一对相互啮合的螺杆,就如同双螺杆捏合机的心脏一样。The key parts of twin screw kneader are a couple of intermeshing screws, just like the heart of the screw kneader.

数值结果对捏合盘的设计和工艺参数的选择有一定的指导意义。Numerical results are of great significance for guiding of kneading disc design and processing parameter selection.

以实验为基础,讨论了加料量、螺杆转速以及反向捏合块厚度与错列角对聚合物颗粒熔融过程的影响。The influence of screw speeds, feeding rates and the configurations of kneading blocks on melting process is discussed.

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它广用于各种天然、人造橡胶的加工捏合,具有软化及润滑的效果。It is widely used for a variety of natural, synthetic rubber processing kneading, with softening and lubricating effect.

推导了两搅拌桨螺旋升角的关系式,根据捏合原理,建立了搅拌桨水平截面曲线的数学模型。Based on the kneading principle a mathematical model has been established on horizontal section curves of stirring blades.

南通密炼捏合机械厂是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的科技型企业。Nantong mixing Kneader Machinery Factory is a set design, production, sale and service of science and technology enterprises.

我们有几个外国球员,但球队主体还是荷兰人,一个伟大的教练范加尔把我们捏合在一起。We had one or two foreign guys, but it was mainly Dutch players in a team that was brought together by a great manager, Louis van Gaal.

捏合块是同向双螺杆挤出机中广泛使用着一种螺杆元件,其外形较复杂,精度要求较高。Kneading blocks are a kind of screw elements wildly used in co-rotating twin screw extruders, with complicated shape and high precision.

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新型搅拌捏合机的数学模型建立、动态模拟及其强度分析均是本文研究的主要内容。The mathematical modeling, dynamic simulation and its strength analysis of the new stirring kneader are the center contents of this paper.

针对国内现有加工工艺的不足,我们提出了挤出机捏合块等线速磨削的工艺方法。In order to make up the defect of present manufacturing technology, we bought forward the new technology of equal linear velocity grinding.

试验结果表明,磁流体密封装置应用在大轴径、高转速的捏合机上,密封性能良好,且温升较小。The results of test indicate that the magnetic fluid has excellent sealing performance, and temperature rising is rather low during running.