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用电子自旋共振证实了BTF的自由基。Free radical of BTF was identified by ESR.

双箭头用来表示共振。Double- headed arrows are used to indicate resonance.

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对非简并型共振反射器也作了讨论。Non-degenerate resonant reflectors are also discussed.

分布电容小,自共振频率高。Small distributed capacitance and high resonance frequency.

在多量子阱结构中可看到明显的共振隧穿效应。The effect of resonant-tunnelling appears in the structure.

它是共振的,这是一个共振结构的情形。This is resonance, this is a case of a resonance structure.

共振峰合成使用滤波器氦发志。Formant synthesis simulates the vocal tract through a filter.

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据此,他们就可以确定最低的共振频率。From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.

这种现象称为共振荧光中的量子拍。We call this phenomenon quantum beat in resonance fluorescence.

离心式风机共振吸声器是一种简便、经济的降噪措施。The absorber is a simple and economic measure to decrease noise.

报道了一种模拟共振反应产额曲线的方法。A simulation method of resonance reaction yield curve is reported.

阿高流量气体产生的粮食理事会1.0共振频率。A high flow of gases is produced at the WFC v1.0 resonance frequency.

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共振峰参数是反映声道特性的一个重要参数。Formant parameters are important parameters in track characteristics.

表面等离子体子共振传感器已经成为生物传感器研究领域的热点。The SPR sensor has become a research frontier in the biosensor field.

此外,本计划利用扰动观察法去追踪并联共振频率。The disturb-and-observe method is used for tracking resonant frequency.

而且预言了越窄共振效应的新结果。The new results for the supernarrow resonant effects are also predicted.

当温度接近T_D时,共振价键序参量迅速减为零。When T approaches T_D the RVB order parameter decreases rapidly to zero.

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在极端极性中,梦想凝结成共振的思想形态。In extreme polarity, dreams coagulate into thought-form that is resonant.

大多数共振质量探测仪是由巨大的圆柱形铝棒构成。Most resonant mass detectors are made of large, cylindrical aluminum bars.

本文给出了共振激光作用下的汤生放电理论。The theory of Townsend discharge under resonant laser action is presented.