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我的妈呀,救命啊。My mama ah, help.

再说他还是你的救命恩人。After all he was your savior.

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再说他还是你的救命恩人。It is normal that he love you.

救命啊!拜托来人救救我啊。Help! Someone please rescue me.

我听见有人在喊救命。I hear someone crying for help.

我听到一个女人喊救命。I heard a woman's cry for help.

我听到一个女人喊救命。I heard a womans crying for help.

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最后,救命的钟声终于敲响了。Finally the bell rang as a relief.

祂是唯一救命的力量,我不跟你去了。Hes is the only life-saving force.

溺水的人狂呼救命。The drowning man shouted for help.

救命,我女朋友是个购物狂!Help! My Girlfriend is a shopaholic!

使用的是JDE财务系统救命啊…What to use is a JDE finance system.

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那场救命我陪斯米尔诺娃看了至少20次。Smirnova I'll read at least 20 times.

有人从楼上喊救命。Somebody cried for help from upstairs.

这所房屋是可以救命的。This house might prove their salvation.

你知道哪儿才能找到救命水吗?And do you know where it is to be found?

救命!这台吸尘器吸住我的脸了!Help! This vacuum cleaner sucks my face!

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我差一点就要喊救命了。I was within an ace of calling for help.

“伯母,”她尖叫,“救命啊!”“Aunty,” she screams, “somebody help me!”

他把老人看作他的救命恩人。He thought of the old man as his lifesaver.