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他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern artis _.

他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern artis trash.

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他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern art is trash.

来,到糟粕里寻宝,在漂白剂里浸礼。Come , Dowsed in mud , Soaked in bleach.

这部影片应剔除糟粕,重新进行剪辑。The film is to be cleaned up and re- edited.

从无聊的搞笑到杰西卡·辛普森,这部电影还真是糟粕。From poop jokes to Jessica Simpson, nothing is sacred.

在这堆乱七八糟的糟粕里,我们这个伟大岛屿的传承却无处可见。Where was our great Island heritage portrayed in all this flummery?

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我们要做到的是取其精华,弃其糟粕。What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.

地下网络既提供了网络的便利,又摆脱了网络的糟粕。Darknets offer the convenience of the Web without a lot of the bad stuff.

对于这样的作品,我们不妨取其精华,去其糟粕。For those works, we might discard the dross and select the essence as well.

有些采访内容十分冗长,如何取其精华,去其糟粕呢?Some interview content very expatiatory , how to take its flower, go its scum?

因为书籍里面,有香花也有毒草,有精华也有糟粕。Because the book inside, has fragrant flowers are poisonous weeds, essence and dross.

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我们看名著可以取其精华,去其糟粕,为什么就不能同样的对待网络呢?We can look at famous bad, to its dregs, why can not the same network can be treated?

它的主要生理功能是腐熟水谷将精微物质转化胃气血,泌糟粕、蒸津液。Both is the choice small material of liquid sex, with nutrition moist for its main function.

总之,社交网络也成功地起到了剔除糟粕,突出精华的作用。By and large it also acts to successfully filter out the dross and bring the cream to the top.

文学形式的丰富内涵和重要性常常是由它所包含糟粕来衡量的。The fecundity and the importance of a literary form are often measured by the trash it contains.

世界上并没有十全十美的东西,比如世界名著,也有消极的思想等糟粕。The world's not perfect things, such as world famous as well as negative thinking, and other dross.

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躯散所有的糟粕以便上帝的真理可以发光发亮是以前人们的幻想。To dispel all appearances so that God's truth could shine forth was the illusion of the Iconoclasts.

时代与潮流有它精华的一面,但也有其糟粕的一面,我们不能对其一概囫囵吞枣。Time and tide has its essence side, but also has its dregs side, we can't anything to its huluntianzao.

韩剧中好的东西还是有的,不能“一竿子打翻一船人”,必竟我们要做的是“取其精华,弃其糟粕”。There are lots of good things in Korean films,what we can do is discard the dross and select the essence.