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女童军是谦恭的。Girl Scout is courteous.

她总是很谦恭有礼。She was always courteous.

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女童军是谦恭的。A Girl Scout is courteous.

他谦恭地同我们打了招呼。He greeted us with civility.

我们谦恭地接受民意授权。We humbly accept their mandate.

他一边向后退,一边鞠着躬,真是一种讽刺的谦恭。He bowed in sarcastic deference.

他必须用谦恭的心情去倾听这个故事要表达的情感。Listen, humbly, for the message.

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请确保你的说话方式和善而谦恭。Be kind and humble in your approach.

真英雄的特点是谦恭。The mark of a true hero is humility.

他应该谦恭地说话。He spoke courteously, as it behooved.

他谦恭有礼地为我开门。He courteously opened the door for me.

“是‘P’,”布朗先生谦恭地回答。‘It’s ‘P’, ’ Mr. Brown replied meekly.

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它的问候是谦恭仰或粗鲁?Will it greeting be courteous or rough?

这位绅士谦恭地给女士鞠了一躬。The gentleman bowed lowly before the lady.

我谦恭地为昨晚发生的事情道歉。I humbly apologize for what happened tonight.

我发现饭店员工特别谦恭有礼。I find the hotel staff particularly courteous.

那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦恭有礼。The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.

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“而我,”天空答道,“倾慕你的谦恭宛转。”"And I, " returns the sky, "your humble touch. "

尔撒谦恭地坐在驴背上,我的孩子!Jesus sat humbly on the back of an ass, my child!

只有德国人民具有这种勇气和谦恭态度。Only the Germans had the bravery and the humility.