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它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里See it in the colors of autumn

他们在染缸中浸染织品。They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye.

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菊花链与Hypalon前面吗?强化浸染。Front daisy chain with Hypalon? reinforcement.

把鸡蛋浸染在喜欢的颜色里,然后等其完全干透。Dye eggs desired colors and let dry completely.

一种用灯黑浸染的塑性材料。A thermoplastic material impregnated with lampblack.

镀锡在…镀锡,通过浸染或电镀的方式。To coat with tin, either by dipping or electroplating.

首都被迫弃守,敌人步步进逼,鲜血将白雪浸染。The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.

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戴维营会议的失败迅速被第二次巴勒斯坦大起义的鲜血浸染。Their failure led to the bloodbath of the Second Intifada.

陕西省某金矿矿石储量大,属微细粒浸染型含条较高的难选金矿石。A gold mine of Shanxi Province has a rich gold ore reserve.

人们如果食用了被洪水浸染过的食物就会得病。People can get sick if they eat food touched by floodwaters.

我们说此次冰-岩浆的互相浸染提到了爆炸性。We say the ice-magma interaction augmented this explosivity.

春,绝对是一桢浸染着生命之色的画布。Spring is definitely a life-ching disseminated the canvas color.

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受自由精神和古典理想浸染已久的丹东自然而然地加入了革命者的行列。Imbued with liberal and classical ideals, he joined the revolutionaries.

怀特赛兹教授解释说,构成“纸芯片”的几层纸张均浸染了与漫画书所使用的防水墨水一样的墨水。Water-repellent comic-book ink saturates several layers of paper, he said.

表面装着不知道,暗地里却将毒酒浸染在一只萧上在。Surface pretended not to know, secretly but wine disseminated in a shaw in.

文章讨论了锦棉交织物的浸染工艺,用中心旋转法优化出最佳的工艺条件。This paper discusses the dip-dyeing process of polyamide and cotton blends.

发现并肯定两条微细浸染型金矿化带。Two micro-disseminated gold metallogenic belts are discovered and affirmed.

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是的,希腊和罗马都在法令上认可了银行和银行的良多浸染。Yes , laws in Both Greece and Rome recognized banks and many bank functions.

血浸染了黑色的棺材盒子,盒子边上闪动的蓝光,更加明亮。The blood smoked on the dark box, and the blue light flickered more brightly.

自然铜呈板片状、网脉状、浸染状产出。The native coppers shows occurrence in slab-flaky, net veined and impregnated.