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他的风格平淡无奇。His style lacks distinction.

哪里适合一个穿着平淡无奇的四个孩子的妈妈住宿呢?Where did a no-frills mother of four boys fit?

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这看起来是平淡无奇的景色。That may seem a distinctly unromantic prospect.

但与此同时,该公司的办公场所并非平淡无奇。At the same time, it’s no ordinary office space.

生活也是,不要平铺直叙,平淡无奇。Life is not straightforward, nothing out of the ordinary.

我在立法部门工作,我的工作平淡无奇。I am on the legislative side and my job is pretty undramatic.

然而如果这就是政府策略的话,那也太平淡无奇了。But if that is the administration's strategy, it's likely to fall flat.

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所有平淡无奇,月亮一样的外观,汞是一种非常古怪的地方。For all its bland, moon-like appearance, Mercury is a very quirky place.

相当平淡无奇的是,这个结构,他选择的是地位低的松果腺。Rather unromantically, the structure he chose was the humble pineal gland.

似乎只有黄金平淡无奇的方式到达更高值的一天。Only gold seemed to climb in an undramatic fashion to finish the day higher.

胆管,胰腺,脾脏,肾上腺及两个肾脏是平淡无奇的。Biliary tracts, pancreas, spleen, adrenals and both kidneys are unremarkable.

能暂时逃离英国国会与大楼的平淡无奇,我的喜悦之情真的是难以言表。Can I say how delighted I am to be away from the calm of Westminster and Whitehall?

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这些文章很快被布朗在英国石油公司平淡无奇的记述取代。But these passages soon give way to an oddly flat account of Mr Browne’s time at BP.

这给美国社会留下了很多更平淡无奇或更难以矫正的脆弱性。This leaves the many more mundane but less rectifiable vulnerabilities in American society.

但是,他们还得生活呀,于是精湛的金属加工技能,只能用来打造平淡无奇的家什。Still, they had to earn a living, so they put their metalworking skills to more prosaic use.

对于那些标新立异的宠物爱好者来说,养猫养狗可能已经过于平淡无奇,早过时了。There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.

虽然你的生活顶平庸,你的日子都是平淡无奇的,然而你仍旧可以活出一个伟大的,非常的生命来。Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.

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滋养了历代迁客骚人的平淡无奇,留下了灿若繁星的诗章。A history moisture to move off the man of gifted pen, leaving Canruo stars of the poetry chapter.

像这种平淡无奇的车程我以前坐过无数次,一般我都坐在巴士下层。It's an unremarkable journey I've taken countless times before, always sitting on the lower deck.

如果温度再高些,你的葡萄酒可能就彻底“熟了”,香气和口味都会变得平淡无奇。And if it gets too much hotter, your wine may get “cooked, ” resulting in flat aromas and flavors.