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丹尼有一双新冰鞋。Danny a of skates.

把冰鞋给我!Give the skates to me!

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你穿冰鞋可以用一个脚趾平衡吗?Can you balance yourself on skates?

第9课您想要什么样的冰鞋?。Lesso n9 What kind of skates do you want?

罗伯特说,“米奇今天第一次穿冰鞋,穿太久她的脚踝会受不了的。”This is Mikey’s first time on skates. Her ankles won’t last long.

我想买一双冰鞋。北京冬天可以滑冰。I want to buy a pair of skates . One can skate in winter in Beijing.

你的身体保持不动,而你就在你的前面将冰鞋推出。Your body stays still and you just push that skate out in front of you.

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我对这个可恶男子用优先一自己特权购买的冰鞋感到厌恶。I've hatred to the hateful man's skates bought dawn prior private privilege.

我对那个可恶男子用优先个人特权购买的冰鞋感到厌恶.I’ve hatred for the hateful man’s skates bought with prior private privilege.

1819年在溜冰鞋去掉的第一个专利是为一只轴向冰鞋。The first patent ever taken out on a roller skate was for an in-line skate in 1819.

你可以租用或在班夫冰鞋在费尔蒙特酒店路易斯湖城堡酒店体育商店。You can rent skates in Banff or at the sport shop in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise hotel.

冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋。The puck is flat and slides on the ice. The hockey player move it around with his hockey stick.

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她会见了一群正在练习旋转和跳跃的年轻姑娘们,但是她们却没有系好自己的冰鞋鞋带。She met with a group of young girls practicing their spins and jumps but wouldn't lace up skates.

你若不知道怎么滑冰,干嘛不把冰鞋给我?别占着茅坑不拉屎。If you don't know how to skate, why don't you give the skates to me? Don't be a dog in the manger.

她一边想一边挣扎着试图站起来,但冰鞋一旦踏着冰面就不听她的使唤。She tried to stand, but every time she put a skate on the ice, it took off with a will of its own.

“当时人们的冰鞋很可能都是用马骨做成的”。They seem to have used skates made out of horse bones, Dr Federico Formenti of Oxford University, said.

同现代冰鞋上的冰刀比起来,由于残留着油脂,马骨的摩擦力更小些。The bones have very low friction compared to modern metal blades because of the residual fat on the bones.

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米奇还没到达池塘边,男孩儿们就已经把冰鞋脱下来了。The edge of the pond was barely visible. Before Mikey reached the shore, the boys were out of their skates.

是呀,我刚买的。我开始在一个社团打冰球。所以,终于给自己买了一双新的冰鞋。Yeah, I just got them. I started playing ice hockey in a community league. So, I finally got myself new skates.

“礼服”事件后,家里没有钱去买我真正需要的冬服,或者我想要的新冰鞋。Aften the dress incident , there was no money for the winter coat i really needed or the new ice skates i wanted.