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玩具车有个飞轮。And this toy car has a flywheel.

下面的图片显示了飞轮。The picture below shows the flywheel.

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飞轮是另一种有前途的技术。Flywheels are another promising technology.

这里你能看到,飞轮的放大图。And here you see a close-up of this flywheel.

左舷发电机飞轮罩没有了。Port diesel generator flywheel guard missing.

用上飞轮的机会,远比你们想的要多。Flywheels are used more often than you may think.

对飞轮组匹配也做了较详尽的论述。Match of flywheel sets is also described in detail.

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这些就是电磁实验室,里的飞轮。What you see here are these flywheels at the Magnet Lab.

飞轮也有较高的耐受性快速循环。Flywheels also have a higher tolerance for rapid cycling.

还包含一个铝制曲柄箱和平衡飞轮。Contains an aluminum finned crankcase and balanced flywheel.

在磁铁实验室中,有俩让人惊讶的飞轮。MIT, at the Magnet Lab, has two flywheels which are amazing.

这是唯一的严重限制和飞轮的危险。That is the only serious limitation and danger of flywheels.

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草坪割草机飞轮棘爪聘请启动割草机。Lawn mower pawls engage the fly wheel to start the lawn mower.

在这个例子中,我不能把直线动能转化到飞轮上。In this case, I cannot convert linear motion into the flywheel.

你可以在图片中看到飞轮装置和小测深绳。You can see the flywheel mechanism and the little sounding wire.

离合器片安装在飞轮和压盘之间。The clutch disc fits between the flywheel and the pressure plate.

这是一个视频的V型双引擎运行一个简单的飞轮。Here is a video of the V-twin engine running with a simple flywheel.

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压盘与飞轮连接,这样飞轮和压盘一起旋转。The result is that both flywheel and pressure plate rotate together.

可以将其转化为,飞轮旋转时的,动能。You can convert that to kinetic energy of rotation in your flywheel.

磁化陶瓷引擎的飞轮不存在任何问题。It is no problem to keep a ceramic flywheel appropriately magnetised.