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本杰明是丝绸染匠,在伦敦拜师受业。Benjamin was bred a silk dyer, serving an apprenticeship at London.

光纤水听器和矢量水听器作为当前水声研究领域最具有代表性的两大技术倍受业界关注。Fiber optic and vector hydrophones are two major types of hydrophones that are of great importance to underwater acoustics.

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目前公司模具月生产能力600双以上,良好的信誉倍受业界同仁的信赖与支持。The company monthly production capacity of 600 pairs of molds for more than a good reputation much trust and support of colleagues in the industry.

学者、专家和持份者均踊跃参与和支持,活动深受业界欢迎。As evidenced by the strong support and active participation of scholars, experts and stakeholders, the activities are well-received by the industry.

教师的教既包括一般意义上从事的教学、传道、受业、解惑,还指教师为提高自身素质而进行的学习。Teachers' teaching includes teaching, preaching, imparting and disabuse in the general sense, but also means the study to improve their own quality.

自在天是一种特殊的存在,不受无明及其产物的污染,也不受业、潜在业力和行为结果的影响。Ishwara is a special kind of Being, untouched by ignorance and the products of ignorance, not subject to karmas or samskaras or the results of action.

第四部分描述了高校青年教师的闲暇生活质量,他们的闲暇时间较多,但闲暇活动并不丰富,有待向更高层次发展,社会交往主要受业缘关系的影响。The fourth part describes the living quality of young university teachers' spare time, concluding that they have much spare time and activities are not rich.

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公司自开创以来,就以准确的市场定位和多元化的渠道模式,取得了斐然成绩,倍受业界的广泛青睐。Company has since created, to correct market positioning and a wide range of channels Model, and achieved results Fei-Ran, much of the industry widely favored.

曾受业于子思的门人,后游历齐、宋、魏、滕等国,宣传自己的政治主张,希望施展自己的政治抱负。He traveled around the States of Qi, Song, Wei, Teng and other places, disseminating his political propositions in order to give full play to his political ambition.

当职业和技术教育与业界的需要和标准协调一致时,学生可以获得受业界承认的资格证书,公司也得到有技术能力的员工。When professional and technical programs are aligned with industry needs and standards, students gain industry-recognized credentials and companies gain skilled workers.

例如,中国公司可以减少把受业界瞩目的合同交给美国公司,许多中国公司都受到政府的很大影响。For instance, Chinese companies, many of which are heavily influenced by the government, could become less inclined to give high-profile contracts to American companies. U.

作为全球视光学行业的领导者,卡尔蔡光学在世界主要市场均占据了主导地,向客户提供多层次的先进技术和全系列的产品,品牌形象深受业界及消费者高度尊重与信赖。As a global leader of the optical industry, Carl Zeiss Vision with a strong presence in all major markets, full product and technology portfolios, and well-known trade and consumer brands.

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珠江三角洲浆纸市场在全国占据着举足轻重的地位,尤其是以铜版纸为代表的中高档工业、文化用纸,更是倍受业届关注。The pulp & paper market in the delta of the Pearl River is holding the balance in China, especially marketing of the middle and high quality paper such as coated paper, which is paid more attention.