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我很高兴能够和你共度良宵。I'm happy to have you over tonight.

你可以在花钱在城里共度良宵。You can pay for a night on the town.

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足以匹配我们良宵的金琥珀色藏酒。A golden amber lager to match our night.

他的烦恼经不起这宁静的良宵美景的感染。His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night.

让压力和胆怯为幸福与可爱的人共度良宵让道。Stress and fear making way for happiness and time with your loved ones.

这里的食物并不特别,但却是一个值得欢度良宵的地方。The food is not exceptional but it is a delightful place to spend an evening.

你需要的是与一个真正幽默风趣富有魅力的男人共度一个良宵——那个男人就是我!What you need is a good night out with a really fun and attractive man -- me!

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我们吃到了最美味的素食,还很幸运地被邀请去参加晚上的“第瓦利”派对,在欢舞中度过良宵。We are lucky enough to receive invites to tonight’s Diwali party to dance the night away.

米歇尔最需要的莫过于时间了,我会尽力腾出时间陪她度过情人节良宵。The thing that she wants usually most of all is time. The Obamas will try and get a date night.

是的,欢乐良宵。看电影之前先喝点酒解馋。文明人的文明世界。Yeah, happy hour. A couple of drinks maybe an early dinner before the theater. A civilized place for civilized men.

不过我会尽快弄完,来跟我宝贝儿和她爸共度良宵,我就是这样的男朋友。But I'm gonna blow that off to spend the evening with my sweetie and her father, 'cause, you know, just the kind of boyfriend I am.

今日吉炜老师及学生,和青年舞蹈家孙科为文化部策划的大型节目录制新作品〈良宵〉。Today Jiwei and her students and young dancer Sun Ke recorded the new works "Liangxiao" which was initiated by Ministry of Culture.

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他可是有史以来最言无不尽的健谈者中的一个,与他共度的夜晚会是倾听独白的良宵。He was one of the most exhausting conversationalists that ever lived. An evening with him was an evening spent in listening to a monologue.

我和一只蝎子还有一只黑寡妇共度良宵,还有过好几只狮子和毒蛇光临我的帐篷,其中包括一只9.8英尺的眼镜蛇!I have shared my tent with a scorpion and a black widow spider, and had lions and lots of snakes outside including a 9.8-foot-long snouted cobra!

最近一段时间,我得说我时常想象我与他和另外一位女子共度良宵的情景,然而他告诉我,他也一样。Recently, I admitted that I fantasized about having a threesome with him and another woman, and he told me that he fantasizes about the same thing.

长夜徐徐,独享良宵,此时,能给你超凡享受的理想伴侣就是特利桔味巧克力。The nights are longer, the evening is your own and the perfect accompaniment to make you feel special is the delicious Terry's Chocolate Orange BAR.

琴韵悠扬,茶啡飘香,良宵美景与浪漫典雅格调融为一体,流行饮品,精美小食特色各异,是您商务洽谈的首选之地,更是知己相聚的理想地方。With beautiful music and fragrant flavour of coffee and tea, popular snacks, the hotel is the best choice for business travellers and meeting place for friends.

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露西使上世纪50年代的家庭主妇成为一种时尚,不管她是系着围裙,或是穿着狂欢的服装,或是精心打扮去巴巴鲁俱乐部和德斯黎共度良宵。Lucy made being a '50 housewife chic, whether she was wearing an apron, clad in costume for one of her hijinks or dressed up for a night with Desi at Club Babalu.

坊间传闻称1962年肯尼迪总统在纽约麦迪逊花园广场庆祝他45岁生日,梦露现场献唱生日歌,之后与肯尼迪共度良宵。He was rumoured to have spent the night in the suite with Monroe after she sang Happy Birthday, Mr President at his 45th birthday celebration in 1962 at Madison Square Garden.

她俨像一个拒绝娶那数年与其共度良宵的女人的老侨民,她觉得遗憾的是,朱莉在这里,她没有什么人可以互通鱼雁了。Like the old French migr , who declined to marry the lady with whom he had for so many years spent his evenings, she regretted that Julie was here and she had no one to write to.