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我不知道-我的逸闻检定显然没过。I don't know-I must have failed my Bardic Lore roll.

由于钱锺书的幽默风趣,有不少关于他的逸闻趣事。For his sense of humour, There are many anecdotes of Qianzhongshu.

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而丹尼斯只是补充了一些交易界的战争故事和逸闻趣事。It was Dennis who added a succession of trading war stories and anecdotes.

这段中国古代法制史上的逸闻,给后人留下了许多值得深思的东西。Deng's interesting story has left much significance for later generations to reflect on.

些时候,某些看起来毫无关联的逸闻琐事比成堆的数据更能说明问题。There are times when seemingly unrelated anecdotes are more revealing than reams of data.

一是通过记录逸闻轶事和谶诗等加强其故事性、传奇性和神秘感。One is to record the stories and poems to strengthen the story, legend mysterious feelings etc.

收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Elle Fanning. Collection of Elle Fanning pictures, videos, news and facts.

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收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Jessica Szohr. Collection of Jessica Szohr pictures, videos, news and facts.

收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Olivia Palermo. Collection of Olivia Palermo pictures, videos, news and facts.

在之前的采访中,罗科教练多次谈到了他的妻子,谈到了很多他们之间的逸闻趣事。The coach often mentioned his wife in his interviews, with a lot of affection and anecdotes. Now that Mrs.

当地一些“恶搞”居民称,如为摄影师们提供一篇皮特夫妇的逸闻,而且得以发表,就能得到一杯免费的茴香酒。You will be treated to a free glass of pastis if you can get a story published, mischievous residents said.

他的历史充满逸闻趣事,以生动的对白见称,但不准确。His history, full of anecdotes and digressions and lively dialogue, is wonderfully readable but not accurate.

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收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Leighton Meester. Collection of Leighton Meester pictures, videos, news and facts.

部分成员于春节期间返回南昌。俱乐部成员用英语分享自己新年的计划,分享职业发展中的体验感受,逸闻趣事。The English party will be held for the sharing of the members on the topics of the new year plan and career development.

现代社会的狗仔队更是无孔不入,只要一不小心,就随时都有被他们盯上,写些逸闻刊上小报成为新闻人物的危险。In modern society, Paparazzi is all-pervasive . The public characters often are the headline of tabloid if they are not discreet.

搜寻线索的同时,在这个迷人的冒险解谜游戏中,你可以了解到美国内战中的那些著名的人和地点的逸闻趣事。Follow the clues, while learning trivia about famous people and places from the American Civil War in this fascinating Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game.

聚会期间,一位男士从头到尾都很健谈,表达自己的观点,讲述自己知道的逸闻趣事。Throughout the evening one man had been particularly talkative frequently offering ideas and anecdotes while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.

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逸闻趣事中流传的证据显示按摩能为健康带来诸多益处,但实际上在细胞水平上对它的效果进行评估比常人想象中的要难得多。Anecdotal evidence suggests massage offers many health benefits, but actual testing of its effects at the cellular level is more difficult than one might think.

科学家们已经就动物与地震的关系进行了深入的研究,远不止那些犹如逸闻趣事一般的奇怪的动物行为,但是没有人能说清楚其中的关系。There has been a lot of study of animals and earthquakes, and far more anecdotal reports of weird animal behavior, but nobody has yet managed to demonstrate a link.

作为研究员,格瑞芬的经费由玛氏集团赞助,他说“我们听到更多的逸闻趣事是关于狗和孩子的。”"Most of what we hear about are these anecdotal examples of dogs turning kids' lives around," says Griffin, whose research is financed by Mars, maker of Pedigree dog food.