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互联网?呸!The Internet? Bah!

国内互联网实是底呱呱!Internet is number one!

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这也就扼杀了互联网。And that kills the Internet.

你有互联网入口吗?Do you have Internet-access?

互联网该由谁来管?Who should run the internet?

互联网颠覆了命运*。The Internet subverts Kismet.

资料库可经互联网登入。The database is web-accessible.

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互联网渗透到日常用品The Internet in Everyday Objects

而互联网电视则仍看起来更像是一种前途未卜的赌注。Net TV is still more of a gamble.

店,为穿墙Shopzilla互联网。Shop for Internet Shopzilla wall.

但我们在互联网上的行为并非中性。But what we do there isn’t neutral.

那没有互联网,没有同性新闻,没有同性热线,没有征友广告,没有骄傲的出柜名人。There is no internet. No Gay News.

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垃圾邮件遍布互联网。Junk mail proliferates the Internet.

人缘和互联网资源。Relationships and Internet resources.

那么语义互联网什么时候到来呢?So when will the Semantic Web arrive?

软件通过互联网13升级。Software upgradeable via internet 13.

在互联网上购物融入Shopzilla门。Shopzilla online shopping in the door.

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所以,乔治和我就在互联网上搜索。So, George and I scoured the Internet.

因为我喜欢周围的互联网工作。Beacuse I like the job around internet.

于是卡尔菲在互联网上展示了他的车。Calfee showed his bike on the internet.