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展览品陈列于五个大厅。They're displayed in five halls.

展览品分别陈列于不同的大厅。Exhibits are placed in different halls.

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主人结构在展览品中被显示。The host configuration is shown in the exhibit.

考古学、历史学和民俗学方面的展览品。Exhibitions of archaeology history and folklore.

博物馆里陈列着许多展览品。There are many exhibits on display in the museum.

静水巨人是我展出的第一个大件展览品。The Stillwater Giant is the first big exhibit I ever displayed.

这些展览品中包括一些中世纪陶器精品。These exhibits includes some fine examples of medieval pottery.

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自然博物馆里的展览品剖示了吸烟者的肺。The exhibitions in the natural history museum show a smoker's lungs.

大多数国家的领导人看了全部展览品,都给予了高度赞扬。Most of the president of countries give high prais to the exhibition.

我觉得把它放在花园或者孩子的房间里作为展览品比较好。It would be better to use it as show piece at your garden or kids room.

我想我们只得尽力而为了。展览品的运输有问题吗?。I think we will have to try our best. What about the transport of the exhibits.

费城,以“美国的雅典”而闻名,拥有大而且多贵重的展览品的博物馆。Philadelphia, known as America's Athens, has large museums with valuable exhibits.

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巧克力公园内的各种展览品制造约用掉了8万公斤的巧克力。The chocolate park features artifacts made from about 80,000 kilograms of real chocolate.

看看着摇摆的展览品,是不能吃的,这件艺术作品花了很多时间制作的。And it wiggles and jiggles, but don't eat it. This work of art took too much time to create.

你可以选择花瓶,台灯,展览品,烛台,油画,相框等等。You may choose from vase, table lamps, show pieces, candle holders, paintings, photo frames etc.

当代艺术馆也将当代展览品放在我们周围,让艺术更贴近日常生活。MOCA also brings art closer to everyday living by placing contemporary exhibitions all around us.

比赛开始后的第7个小时,这辆车因为涡轮叶片轴受损而退出比赛,从此之后便以展览品的姿态出现在世人面前。After seven hours, the car had to retire due to a damaged drive shaft, and has been an exhibit ever since.

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总体来说,展览品状态良好,尽管这些展览品几乎都需要进行小维修和喷漆。In general, exhibits are in good condition, although almost all of them need small repairs and the painting.

擎天展览服务有限公司是一家专业运输展览品的物流企业。Is a specialist in shipping exhibition goods to and trade shows and industrial expositions around the world.

这几乎像是美术馆的别墅有锋利的线条和动态空间,你几乎变成了展览品的一部分!This almost museum-like villa has sharp lines and dynamic flows, you are becoming one of the exhibits in the space.