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春天是万象更新的季节。Spring is a time of renewal.

一元复始,万象更新。A yuan of renew, every phenomenon is newer.

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春天是万象更新沐浴爱河的时节。Spring is a time of renewal and time for love.

从此人间一切和美,万象更新。From now on all the and beauty, vientiane update.

我喜欢看到春天万象更新。I love to watch everything come to life in spring.

春回大地,万象更新!Spring returns to the earth, the everything renewed!

春回大地,万象更新。Spring returns to the earth and everything looks fresh.

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新衣象徵一元复始、万象更新。The new clothes symbolize a fresh start for the year ahead.

这一时间更为合理,因为春天是万物复苏、万象更新的时节。This makes more sense as spring is a time of rebirth and renewal.

新年伊始,万象更新。With the beginning of the new year, everything takes on a new look.

新年伊始,万象更新,我们又迎来了新的学期!At the beginning of the New Year, vientiane update, we ushered in the new semester!

春天来临,万象更新,新一轮播种和收获季节又要开始。Spring, Vientiane update, a new round of sowing and harvesting season is beginning.

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但在此万象更新的时刻——在这片产生奇迹的土地上——历史告诉我们,这是可能做到的。But at this moment of renewal —in this land of miracles —history tells us it is possible.

它是一个长达一个星期的庆典,为的是欢庆城市的万象更新和欣欣向荣之貌。It was a week-long festival celebrating the renewal of the city and its continued prosperity.

吉祥如意,且说今天就是“一元复始,万象更新。”They wish to be propitious and prosperous. All these traditions symbolize beginning and renewal.

让我们纪念这个万象更新的特殊节日,并决心为我们所有人的和谐与繁荣努力工作。Let us celebrate this special season of renewal and resolve to work for a future of harmony and prosperity for us all.

还原成“祝您好运。恭喜发财。我的幸运之星。农历年在万象更新,新年所有的朋友了。”Good luck. Kung Hei Fat Choy. My Lucky Stars. Chinese New Year in Vientiane update, the New Year to all our friends had.

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春,她使校园里到处欣欣向荣,鸟语花香,她使校园里到处生机勃勃、万象更新。Spring, she make the campus thriving everywhere, flowers, and she so vibrant around campus, everything looks new and fresh.

新年新心情,新年新开始。2008年,让我们携起手来,共同开创光谷万象更新的新景象。New year means new feeling and beginning. Let us join hands together in 2008 to build a more prosperous and successful Valley.

这种新鲜而热烈的黄绿色调,让人想起早春时节,自然苏醒、草木复生、万象更新。Greenery is a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature's greens revive, restore and renew.