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希望你们起码能那么做。I hope you do just that.

起码不用心算。At least, not in your heads.

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交的最响的驴吃的起码。The ass that brays most eats least.

起码没人跟你抢夫君。Nobody shares your husband with you.

很简单起码是加法。Simple, seems like, at least addition.

这个要求已经是很起码的了。This request already was very minimum.

起码在我肉体还活着的时候是这样的At least, as long as my body's working.

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由于手腕和矮胖最起码拥有。With barest wrists and stoutest boasts.

因此起码它学会了从错误中学习。So at least he learns from his mistakes.

我们认为,这起码是塞缪尔·珀切斯写下来的东西。At least we think it was Samuel Purchase.

归化的外来种起码也有800种。There are at least 800 naturalized aliens.

我很高兴,起码在我有生之年我都有尝试过。I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.

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真遗憾,你连起码的常识都没有。It's a shame you don't have any horse sense.

据我所知,他起码有四个挂名头衔。He had lined up four sinecures that I knew of.

但是,嗨,起码库萨克又是单身汉了!But, hey, at least John Cusack is single again!

打字机挽救了他,起码一度挽救过他。The typewriter rescued him, at least for a time.

他怎么能这么做,起码他还是个政治家啊。What he can do afterall he is also a politician.

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起码印装书籍就不需要再充电了!At least the print books never needed recharging!

不过最起码有三件最重要的。However there are suprema threeses most at least.

我知道我在很多方面还达不到起码的要求。I'm gonna learn to be more sociable and outgoing.