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白天还是晚上?。Night or day?- Night.

白天慢慢地成为黑夜了。Day passed into night.

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整个白天,蓝鸟在飞。All day, Bluebird flew.

它飞白天和黑夜。It flies day and night.

猫头鹰在白天行动?Owls flying by daylight?

却不曾厌倦黑夜、白天。But not to night and day.

如果你白天去,If you go in the daytime,

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白天到外面去玩。Play outside during the day.

却必须在白天就上床?To have to go to bed by day?

他白天在办公室上班。He works in an office by day.

从白天到黑夜,然后黎明!From day to night, until dawn!

白天我睡不着。I cannot sleep in the daytime.

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白天可看不见这般气象。You never saw the like by day.

消除白天的挂牵。And banish the thoughts of day.

白天就不会成为黑夜。Day would not become the night.

白天我通常不在家。I'm usually out during the day.

夜间干的事,白天会败露。What do by night appear by day.

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当然,白天里还要喝更多。Also, drink more during the day.

尽可能避免白天睡觉。Avoid daytime sleep if possible.

白天用还是晚上用?。Evening or daytime?-l like lace.