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本书主旨亦复如是。It is the theme of this book.

如果是的话,它的主旨是什么?If so what is the main thrust?

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这种感觉的主旨是什么?What is underneath this feeling?

在这次会议中,我们也有一个会议主旨。At this event we also had a keynote.

我们的读书会需不需要一个主旨?Does our reading group need a theme?

那么这则袹故事的主旨是什么呢???。So what is the morale of the story???

主旨鲜明。The main purpose is fresh and bright.

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而盼望正是大屠杀纪念馆的主旨。And hope is what Yad Vashem is all about!

就拿贝尼奥夫六月份发表的一次主旨演讲来说吧。Take this keynote Benioff delivered in June.

这就是测试优先的开发的主旨所在。This is what test-first development is all about.

西格尔的书的主旨是,这些是真的吗?The theme of Siegel's book is, can we believe this?

在热烈的掌声中,吴邦国发表了主旨演讲。In the warm applause, Wu delivered a keynote speech.

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我们有一个主旨,就是降低入门的门坎。One of our themes is to lower the barriers to entry.

爱我少一点,爱我久一点,这是我歌的主旨。Love me little, love me long, is the burden of my song.

本文试图把超越思想理解为尼采哲学的主旨。I think Nietzschean leitmotiv is the transcending thought.

意识到这种深厚联系是拉科塔宗教的主旨。Just seeing that deep connection is a major tenet of that.

其他答案内容主旨是让人学会谦让,不能太自私。Purpose is to let people learn content and not too selfish.

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这才是整篇文章的主旨。That's the point that this whole tradition is trying to make.

民贵君轻,民心向背是儒家民本思想的主旨。The main idea is the people are more important than the kings.

2011年3月9日,驻印度尼西亚大使章启月应邀出席在印尼国立伊斯兰大学举办的“中国崛起与印尼的外交政策”专题研讨会并发表主旨演讲。a keynote speech at the State Islamic University of Indonesia.