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罢工工人拒绝为他的那辆货车装卸。The strikers blacked his lorry.

罢工工人拒绝为这艘船装卸货物。The ship was blacked by strikers.

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同意装卸方的积载图。Agree stowage plan with stevedores.

码头上我们有两架装卸桥。We have two portainers on the wharf.

叉车装卸能力有多少?What is capacity of fork-lift truck?

PE床头床尾板,可轻松装卸。PE head and end , easy for installment.

码头上我们有二辆装卸桥吊。We have only two portainers on the wharf.

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船上装卸费用,须由买方负责并记帐。Stevedore buyer ' responsibility and account.

集装箱门吊装卸能力如何?What is handling capacity of container bridge?

这些索具不能保证货物安全装卸?These slings do not permit safe cargo handling.

装卸时应手握塑料件部分。Hold the plastic part when assemble and unassembled.

各种设备接线在可装卸的绿色看台之下蜿蜒缠绕。Wires snaked from below the portable green bleachers.

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事故是由于在港口野蛮装卸造成的。The accident was caused by rough handling at the port.

这些纸板箱足够坚固,能经受野蛮装卸。The cartons are strong enough to stand rough handling.

可定做各种形状刀模,装卸方便。It is suitable for all kinds of moulds, easy operation.

港口起重机是港口装卸货物的主要设备。Port crane is the main load and unload equipment in port.

装卸月台供卡车或火车装卸货物用的站台。A platform at which trucks or trains load or unload cargo.

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球墨铸铁具有特别的抗冲撞装卸的性能。Ductile iron shows exceptional resistance to shock loading.

是否使用可移动的管路进行货物装卸?Is cargo handling being performed with portable pipelines ?

这男孩爱看轮船装卸货物。The boy liked to watch the boats being loaded and unloaded.