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他知道所有的风俗。He knew all the customs.

吃茶品茗没有是个好风俗。Tea is not a good habit.

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那风俗仍然留传着。The custom still survives.

那个风俗已经废弃了。That custom has fallen off.

不过她认为这种风俗非常好。She thinks it such a pretty custom.

这种风俗是这一地区特有的.The custom is unique to the region.

一些欧洲风俗很奇怪。Some European customs are quite strange.

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早在19世纪就有了这种风俗。This custom dates from the 19th century.

他们摈弃了这种野蛮风俗。They did away with this barbarous custom.

这个风俗现在已经不时兴了。This custom has fallen into abeyance now.

主方国家的风俗使他困惑。The customs of the host country confused him.

这种风俗盛于美国。It is popular in the United States of america.

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穿紫红色衣服成亲是种风俗。It is a custom to get married in a mauve dress.

这些外国人不了解我们的风俗。The foreigners are unacquainted with our custom.

这种风俗一直流传到现在。Such a custom has come down to the present moment.

夏威夷的人已经风俗于火山的发出声了。Hawaiians are used to the rumblings of the volcano.

他把想法和风俗带到了希腊人民中。He brought Greek ideas and customs to these people.

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“新娘彩礼”是非洲为迎娶新娘而支付报酬的一种风俗。Lobola is the African custom of paying for a bride.

世界各地的社会风俗都不同。Social customs vary in different parts of the world.

这个风俗可上溯到战国时期。The custom traces to the time of the Warring States.