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喷水池在哪儿啊?Where is the fountain?

这个喷水池真是废物。The fountain is a white elephant.

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她坐在清凉的喷水池旁边。She sat down on the side of the cool fountain.

喷水池的水发出啪喳啪喳声从边缘溢出。The water lapped over the edge of the fountain.

森林中央有一座喷水池。In the middle of the forest there was a fountain.

我们走过喷水池进入大厅。They passed by the fountain and entered the hall.

使用喷水池可以改善其性能。Performance may be improved by use of a spray pond.

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她在造访罗马时,从喷水池里拿了几个硬币。On a visit to Rome, she takes some coins from a fountain.

于是,有一天,他们在公园里的喷水池前相遇了。Then, one day, they meet in front of the fountain in the park.

好爽。这比在喷水池里跳舞还爽。Oh, god. This is even more amazing than dancing in the fountain.

这个城市的公园以他们壮观喷水池而著名。The parks of this city are famous for their spectacular fountains.

入口广场喷水池、街空间水线、平台水岸等。Entrance plaza fountain, street space lanes, platform waterfront etc.

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我们花园里有一个喷水池,而他们却有一条没有尽头的小河。We have a fountain in the garden and they have a stream that has no end.

喷水池旁边,一个四十来岁的大肚子绅士,手里牵着一个五岁的孩子,对他说。Near the basin there was a bourgeois forty years of age, with a prominent stomach.

军事博物馆前面是宽阔的广场,广场中央是一个很大的喷水池。The military museum is in front of the open square, central square is a large fountain.

五竹亭北设有圆形喷水池,左右为荷花池。This site was flanked by a pair of lotus ponds, _and_to the north was a round fountain.

仪式开始前,工作人员擦拭北喷水池上的刻字。A worker cleaned the bronze engravings on the north fountain before the ceremonies began.

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都市的变化,令人错愕。公园的喷水池,盖起了高架道路。The change in the city is overwhelming. The fountain in the park is torn down for a highway.

具有高吸水性的石材,可以用于景观喷水池等功能。With high water absorption of stone, can be used for landscape fountain and other functions.

他对这个喷水池赞不绝口,定要中国教师为学校也设计一个跟这个一样的喷水池。Delighted by the beauty of their fountain he asked them to design another one for the college.