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我不这样认为,有道是江山易改,本性难移啊。I don't think so. Can the leopard change its spots?

有道是,我们要么找到一个解决方法,要么自己制造出解决方案来。As a saying goes, we will either find a way or make one.

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有道是最骄傲的灵魂也会为爱所伤。They say even the proudest spirit can be broken with love.

事情不总是朝着计划或期望进行的,有道是“计划不如变化”。Things don't always proceed according to plans and expectations.

有道是新的开始需要旧的故事来了结。The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end.

有道是,当你坚持站在相框里的,那么你没法看到那照片的外部风景。As a saying goes, you can't see the picture when you're standing in the frame.

有道是人世万苦人最苦,终不悔九死落灰尘。There asayingsays that man has sufferings most and will die into earth in end.

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再好不过了。有道是新的开始需要,旧的故事来了结。I would love that. The thing about new beginnings Is that they require something else to end.

有道是“同爱人一同吃青草胜于同仇敌一道吃牛肉”,可见爱有都伟大!Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. How great love it is!

有道是,你如果自己不知道该如何服从别人,那么你也没法当领导,去说服别人服从你的命令。As a saying goes, you cannot be a leader and ask people to follow you, unless you know how to follow too.

“有道是知识就是力量,过去患者和医生之间的一些失衡将被平衡,”他们写道。"Knowledge is said to be power and some of the past imbalance between patient and doctor may be equalized, " they write.

你说的对,有道是商标是商品不可分割的一部分,它也是企业的无形资产。How right you are! As a saying goes, the trade mark is an inseparable part of the commodity and an intangible asset of an enterprise.

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我试着用古老东方的至理名言让她放宽心,有道是,那些给我们带来最多麻烦的人或事,正是我们能够从中学到最多的源泉。I tried to cheer her up by quoting the old Oriental wisdom that it is from those who give us most trouble that we stand to learn the most.

这里雨热同季、气候温和、空气湿润、土壤最适宜酿酒所需微生物的生长,有道是“川酒甲天下、精华在宜宾”。Here the rain hot records, climate is mild, moist air, soil of the most suitable for the growth of microorganism wine, it is "wine festivals in sichuan, elite yibin".

有道是一朝天子一朝臣,登位之初,乾隆对李卫一点儿也不喜欢,尤其看不惯李卫身上的混混气。Having is an a new chief brings in new aides, ascend at the beginning of, qianlong also does not like a bit to Li Wei, cannot bear the sight of Li Wei to go up personally especially mix mix air.