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在北美,肥胖已成一种地方病。Obesity is endemic in North America.

氟中毒是全世界广泛存在的一种人畜共患性地方病。Fluorosis is zoonosis in many parts of the world.

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第一个是腐败问题,这已经成为了一种地方病了。The first is corruption, which has become endemic.

这种胸部疾病是流行于本地区矿工中的地方病。The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area.

地方性氟中毒是一种在全球流行的地方病。The endemic fluorosis is a kind of endemic disease around the rord.

盘尾丝虫病是西部非洲和中美洲的一种地方病。Onchocerciasis is an endemic disease in west africa and central america.

以玉米为主食而少食富含蛋白质食物的群体就患有这种地方病。It is endemic where people eat a maize-based diet with little protein-rich food.

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加强职业病、地方病防治。We will strengthen prevention and treatment of occupational and endemic diseases.

口蹄疫是非洲、中东、亚洲和南美洲部分地区许多国家的地方病。FMD is endemic in many countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and parts of South America.

一个很棒的白鹭被猜想已经死,是对东南方的中国地方病。A great egret was suspected to have died of the disease, which is endemic to south-east China.

南疆地区的主要地方病有地甲病、克汀病、地氟病等。The major endemic diseases in Southern Xinjiang are endemic goiter, cretinism and endemic fluorosis etc.

随着我们户外时间的减少,以及用防晒霜来保护皮肤,维生素D3缺乏缺陷已经发展成为一种地方病了。As we spend less time outdoors and use more sunblock to protect our skin, vitamin D3 deficiency is becoming endemic.

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目的探讨检查X射线防护装置在地方病中的应用价值。Objective To discuss the applying value of X-ray protecting device in mobile X-ray photographing for endemic disease.

我们要增加重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治的专项投入。We will appropriate more funds to prevent and control major infectious, chronic, occupational, and endemics diseases.

地方病向中国,在数以万计一次编号的这个亚种和遍及南和中国中部被找到。Endemic to China, this sub-species once numbered in the thousands and was found throughout southern and central China.

确实,基孔肯亚病,一种热带非洲和亚洲的蚊子传播的病毒性地方病,已经到达阿尔巴尼亚和意大利。Indeed, chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus endemic to tropical Africa and Asia, has already arrived in Albania and Italy.

分析了该模型平衡点的渐近稳定性,得到了传染病最终消除和成为地方病的阈值。A asymptotically stability of equilibrium point of the model was analysized. The threshold is found which the epidemic or die out.

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增加重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治的专项投入。We will appropriate more funds to prevent and control major communicable diseases, chronic and occupational diseases, and endemics.

日本血吸虫可以引发包括人、畜、田螺在内的感染,在中国是地方病的一个重要因素。Background Schistosoma japonicum causes an infection involving humans, livestock, and snails and is a significant cause of morbidity in China.