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他是一名赤脚医生。He is a barefoot doctor.

这位赤脚医生有治疗白浊的偏方。The doctor has a way to treat gonorrhea.

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他是一名赤脚医生。She is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

1985年以前的乡村医生系赤脚医生。Village doctors before 1985 referred to barefoot doctors.

能够告诉我这些所谓的「赤脚医生队」是如何运作的吗?Tell me about the operations of the so called barefoot doctors?

安家怡和边老师正在采访村里的赤脚医生谢惠芝。Acadia and Bian are interviewing the village's bare-foot-doctor Xie Huizhi.

传统中医成为“赤脚医生”计划的一部分,将公共医疗卫生推广到乡村地区。TCM formed part of the "barefoot doctor" program, which extended public health into rural areas.

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这些报道建构了“赤脚医生”的神话,其本质是将医学政治化,成为政治斗争的工具。No longer as tools of state will, medical teams themselves became the object to be reconstructed.

政府迅速普及医学,培养了“赤脚医生”为农民提供基本医疗服务。The government hastily trained medics , known as barefoot doctors, to provide basic care to peasants.

政府迅速普及医学,培养了“赤脚医生”为农民提供基本医疗服务。The government hastily trained medics, known as discalced doctors, to provide basic care to peasants.

但针对乡村医生及其前身赤脚医生的对比研究鲜有报道。But there are few reports on the comparative study on village doctors and the previous bare foot doctors.

那神医也不管事,倒是赤脚医生的半瓶盐水解馋,牙掉了半颗再没有上火。The doctor does not work, it is the barefoot doctor half bottle of saline tooth, tooth away half a no fire.

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赤脚医生是指我国农村人民公社时期,生产大队中不脱产的初级卫生保健人员。The barefoot doctors were the primary health personnel who still took up farming during the period of people! s commune.

1972年,一个医疗队来村视察时,15岁的他被推选参加赤脚医生的培训。When a medical team visited the village in 1972, the 15-year-old boy was chosen by his village to train as a barefoot doctor.

过去,农民享有全民医疗保险,当时依靠的是仅受过简单训练的赤脚医生,而且药物紧缺。In the past, universal health care for people in rural areas meant reliance on barefoot doctors with rudimentary training and few medicines.

在人民公社层面,主要介绍赤脚医生的作用以及重大疾病的惊人减少。At the People's Commune level, this mainly revolved around the role of the barefoot doctors and the impressive curtailment of major diseases.

在1960年代,政府组织过一支“赤脚医生”大军,这些人受过基本的西医和传统的中医训练。In the 1960s, the government raised an army of "barefoot doctors", who were given basic training in western disease control and traditional Taoist medicine.

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对赤脚医生产生的原因、形成过程等进行简要的阐述,并对赤脚医生的研究状况和不足给予简单评述。This paper simply explains the causes of the production and the formation process of the barefoot doctors, reviews its the present research situation and the limitations.