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她仗著她那些有钱的亲戚而不必工作,得以坐享清福。She avoided having to work by battening on her rich relatives.

它们可以让您坐享各式各样的现成功能。They allow you to mix in a wide variety of preexisting functionality.

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洲际俱乐部位于酒店46层,可坐享滨城全线海景。Club InterContinental located on the 46th floor has a panoramic view of the city.

安琪准备坐享成功果实,却由于孙浩障碍而竹篮打水一场空。Angie ready to sit enjoy success fruit, but because SunHao obstacles and out the baby with the bath.

其它排名在盖茨之前的6位慈善家正在坐享即将到来的丰厚的回报。The six philanthropists ahead of the Gateses were getting large and immediate bangs for their bucks.

乔治.奥斯本公然与那些“选择把坐享失业福利当成一种生活方式的人”对抗。George Osborne spoke out against 'people who think it is a lifestyle to sit on out-of-work benefits'.

美国宪法提到了生命、自由和追求幸福的权利,但并没有承诺美国人能够不劳而获、坐享财富。The Constitution speaks of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not an automatic chicken in every pot.

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它很高兴坐享和平、稳定和自由贸易,却很少对这些公共利益作出贡献。It is happy to consume peace, stability and free trade while doing little to produce any of these public goods.

除了在家坐享送票上门的服务外,您还将得到可换取丰厚奖品的会员积分。Besides waiting for ticket at home, you will get score accumulate for club members to get rich award in return as well.

高达381公尺的纽约帝国大厦,坐享世界第一高楼的美誉长达41年。For 41 years, New York's Empire State Building enjoyed the distinction of being the world's tallest building at 1,250 feet.

无论您是要在火炉前休养生息还是只想坐享读书管弦之乐,这个沙发都根据您的需求做出回应。This sofa will react to your various needs whatever it is relax in front of the fireplace or just enjoy a good book or music.

“这些运动员知道,当一个运动员作弊时,他或她在未来许多年里都可以坐享身体上的优势,”纳尔逊补充道。"These athletes know, when an athlete cheats, he or she will experience a residual physical benefit for many years, " Nelson added.

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他艰苦奋斗了40年在宾夕法尼亚州的伊利周围建立了一系列无线电和电视发射台,现在退休在家坐享回报、颐养天年。He'd worked 40 hard years building a chain of radio and TV stations around Erie, Pennsylvania, and now was reaping the rewards in retirement.

观景平台宽大、安静,栖息于建筑的怀抱中,使人足不出户即可坐享八面来风,陶醉于画境。Viewing platform, large, quiet, habitat in the embrace of the building, people can stay at home enjoying the Winds, revel in painting throughout.

在配套上,优山美地A区不仅坐享中央别墅区大配套,更坐享优山美地三大定制会所。Residents in Yosemite 's Zone A can enjoy both the facilities inside the core area of central villas and Yosemite 's three specially designed clubs.

雅虎去年在收购了Inktomi,它创建初期还能坐享技术上的领先优势,但在网络产业大滑坡后经营困难而衰落,率先表明了挑战Google的意图。Yahoo signalled its intent to challenge Google last year when it bought Inktomi, a company that enjoyed an early technology lead but fell on hard times after the dotcom crash.

我们将用成熟的管理理念为您在通往成功的道路上保驾护航,确保加盟商以最快速度步入成功、坐享滚滚而来的财富。We will use your proven management philosophy on the road to success in the escort, to ensure the franchisee with the fastest speed into success, enjoying the rolling in wealth.

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纵观过去的十年,马大爷明显是个只喜欢坐享自己的劳动成果却对劳动本身毫无热情的人。Looking back over the past decade it is crystal clear that Mr. Martin has shown himself to be a man that enjoys only the fruits of his labors, and has no passion for the labor itself.

但是罗宾森并没有象多数人那样坐享先人的福泽,他决定听听不同意见,以免事情一发不可收拾。But instead of sitting back and basking in the posthumous fame of his new ancestor as many people might have done, Mr. Robinson decided to get a second opinion before matters went any further.

示威者称,2008年救助银行的作法,让银行坐享巨额利润,而普通民众面对失业率高企、工作无保障的威胁,政府却未伸出援手。The protesters say the Wall Street bank bailouts in 2008 left banks enjoying huge profits while average Americans suffered under high unemployment and job insecurity with little help from Washington.