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他的嘴的周围粘着血块。The blood caked around his mouth.

我希望它不要像血块布丁。I hope it’s nothing like blood pudding.

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它比炒血块更难吃。It’s worse than cooked congealed blood.

人行道上有一摊摊血和血块。There were pools of blood and gore on the pavement.

机化使血块呈现棕色到黑色之间。The blood clots are brown to tan because of organization.

宫颈糜烂,上药后,有腥味血块组织。Cervical erosion, the drug, the smell of blood clots with tissue.

一个好蛋白——是怎么在“血块引发卒中”中损伤大脑细胞的?How Does A "Good" Protein Hurt Brain Cells After Clot-induced Stroke?

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原来埃斯特林头骨轻微骨折,并在下面形成了一个血块。Estrin had a tiny skull fracture8 , with a blood clot forming underneath it.

如是血块或闭经可用丸药磨酒服。The case of a blood clot, or amenorrhea, pills mill liquor service is available.

但是更严重的是当血块从腿部转移到肺部时那将是致命的。But a bigger concern is when clots travel from the legs to the lungs, which can be fatal.

而当神经学症状恶化时,立即实行头颅切开术及血块清除。Craniotomy and evacuation of hematoma was done when the neurological signs were worsening.

血块凝聚中风是最常见的中风类型,同时出血中风会导致死亡。Clot-based strokes are the most common type while hemorrhagic strokes tend to be most lethal.

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不过,李夫人终能提前接受脑部扫描,确定血块所在。However, Mrs Lee did get a CT scan earlier and the location of the blood clot was identified.

尿导管也需要用生理食盐水灌洗。这防止血块。The catheter is also necessary for a normal saline irrigation. This helps prevent blood clots.

全体船员的任务是通过溶解他大脑深处的血块来拯救这个人的生命。The crew’s mission is to save the man’s life by dissolving a blood clot deep inside his brain.

但是上面列出的十位翻译在这节中都翻译成“血块”或者“凝块”。But the ten translators listed above have all used 'clot' or'congealed blood' in this verse too.

这些血块通常发生后二至六个月内,依诺肝素是停产。These blood clots typically occurred within two to six months after enoxaparin was discontinued.

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这是血块的色彩增强电子显微图,血块下面是鳞状的组织。Colour-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of a blood clot, with squamous tissue visible beneath.

这种类型的血块是已知的作为慢性硬膜下出血,并能保持未被发现了一段时间。This type of clot is known as a chronic subdural haemorrhage , and can remain undetected for some time.

有一个血块,可能在腿部形成,顺血管向上流动,最后停留在肺部,造成了心脏停跳。A blood clot, possibly formed in the leg, had moved upward and lodged in the lung, causing cardiac arrest.