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我的愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己的名字来揶揄我。My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

大部分幸存者手中空空,惟有愁绪重重。Of the survivors, most have little left but their stories.

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我刚才提到,对一些人来说,今晚的庆典难免夹杂了丝丝愁绪。I said that tonight's celebration will be tinged for some with sadness.

我一时沉浸在冰凉的雾气与空荡的愁绪中。The fog, the cool mist and all that emptiness consumed my thoughts for a moment.

在今后漫长的岁月里,有无数孤寂的夜晚可以独自品尝愁绪。Long in the coming years, there is countless lonely nights alone melancholy taste.

我正看见你。小青,你就在那里。永永远远,温情微笑,愁绪满怀。I see you. Beth, you are there. Always, with your soft smile and sentimentalization.

只是对于那些万千愁绪的人,雨声反而是多愁善感的催化剂。Only for those thousands of melancholy people, the rain is a sentimental but a catalyst.

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不知道为什么,最近这两天,那个离我很远的愁绪又来找我了。Don't know why, recently this two days, that leaves my very far skein of sorrow and seeks me.

愁绪挥不去苦闷散不去,为何我心一片空虚?。Gloomy mood cannot disperse and depression cannot wave away, why could in my heart only emptiness stay?

如果男生向你倾诉他的愁绪,他只是需要一个人做他的听众。你不必给予任何建议。If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

但无论是谁,只要一旦失去了赖以夸耀的勃勃青春,便无以逃脱衰老的愁绪带给人生的凄凉感触。But for whoever has lost his youth there is nothing to cling to and nowhere where melancholy can escape itself.

悲怆如白色的冥纸,漫天飞舞,墨色的愁绪,在苍凉中落幕。Pathetique paper money, such as white, flying all over the sky, color of melancholy, in the desolation in the end.

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清代诗人黄仲则,其思乡念亲诗歌,是其愁绪的集中体现。The poetry yearning for hometown and relatives of Huang Zhongze, poet of Qing Dynasty, mainly reflected his sadness.

任凭绵绵的愁绪在浸染着往事的记忆中,书写流年的残章碎片。Despite endless melancholy in disseminated in the memory of the past, the writing time of residual chapter fragments.

他觉得奇怪,范妮很少提到她,也很少主动说起这次别离引起的愁绪。He wondered that Fanny spoke so seldom of _her_, and had so little voluntarily to say of her concern at this separation.

来,为我读篇诗歌,一首朴实动人的短诗,它将抚慰我烦乱的心灵,驱散一天的焦虑愁绪。Come, read to me some poem, some simple and heartfelt lay, that shall soothe this restless feeling, and banish the thoughts of day.

一种难以形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪万端。The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts.

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少年时期,月亮是遥远的牵挂,带着些朦胧的愁绪和恐惧,她照着我,也照着远方的亲人。Juvenile period, the moon is concerned about the distant, with some hazy melancholy and fear, she was shining on me, shining distant relatives.

词人带着一舟载不动的愁绪上路,无心欣赏春光,这些百结愁肠,千声哀怨来自哪里?Poetessboat with one of the melancholy road, no appreciation of spring, these hundred knot feeling of sadness , 1000 plaintive voice come from?

拖着长长的影子,在宁静的古道中漫步,心中翻滚着万千的愁绪,为连日的挫折、不顺而忧伤着。Dragging a long shadow, walking in the quiet road, rolling the heart thousands of melancholy, for days of frustration, and not suitable and sad.