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顿时,我的倦意消失了。Suddenly my tiredness vanished.

Towser的声音带着倦意颤抖着。Towser's voice wavered sleepily.

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没有一丝倦意,只有满心欢喜。Not a trace of weariness, only happy.

弗林先生的眼中显出倦意的病容。Mr Flynn had a tired, ill look in his eyes.

他非常健壮,从不显示一丝倦意。He's so robust and never has a trace of weariness.

我从他的声音中察觉出一丝倦意。I detected a faint note of weariness in his voice.

单车没有情绪,除了我的单车,他知道我的倦意。Bycicle has no feeling, except mine. He knows my tire.

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最后放下书来时,我倦意全消,身心为之一爽。And when finally I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed.

黎明的眼睛上还留着倦意,空气中还带着露的痕迹。Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.

在他倦意蜷蜷的伦巴歌声中,刚果夫妇们从来没有停止过舞步。Congolese couples had never stopped dancing to his languorous rumbas.

这就是为什么我们在一顿丰盛的午餐之后浓浓的倦意来袭。This is also the reason why we often feel sleepy after eating a large lunch.

他自己却不再犹豫,虽然倦意还是不停袭来。He himself felt no more hesitation, though the weariness had not ceased to grow in him.

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于是他倦意顿失,立即穿好衣服,取出书籍,来到屋外。He saw this, and decided to get dressed, immediately taking his books and going outside.

随着精力的衰退,倦意之增长,退休的意图不见得不受欢迎。With the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not welcome.

他沿着小路快步离开了,头昂得高高的,神情虽然高傲,但却显得有几分倦意。He flitted away down the path, his head held high, with an air of somewhat jaded jauntiness.

但他北京外国语大学的学生们毫不掩饰倦意。But his students at Beijing Foreign Studies University didn’t even try to hide their boredom.

我觉得如果建造更多的彩虹隧道,旅客会在他们的旅途中少些倦意。I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey.

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如果由于生命力的衰退,倦意日增,安息的想法也许不无可喜之处。And if with the decay of vitality weariness increases the thought of rest will not be unwelcome.

如果由于生命力的衰退,倦意日增,安息的想法也许不无可喜之处。And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not unwelcome.

专辑的封面是一个遍布着睡着的人的山坡,但有一对夫妇紧紧地抱在一起,略带倦意却幸福洋溢。The cover showed a vast hillside strewn with sleepy bodies and a couple locked in a tired, happy embrace.